Risk Management
The Risk Management Division provides a proactive approach to protecting the personnel and physical assets of the City from injury and loss. Risk Management manages the City’s insurance and loss control programs, including workers’ compensation, reasonable accommodations, ADA Compliance, insurance coverages, long term disability, unemployment insurance, third-party claims, and claims litigation. This Division provides oversight of claims administration, procurement of required insurance coverage and the development, subrogation & loss recovery, coordination and implementation of safety and loss-prevention programs.
City Of Covina ADA Policy
The City complies with requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”). Requests for Reasonable Accommodations should be made directly to the Deputy Director of Administrative Services- Human Resources. To view the City’s ADA Policy, please click on the link below.
Anyone wishing to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of a disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by the City of Covina may do so. The complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged discrimination such as name, address, phone number of complainant and location, date, and description of the problem. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint, will be made available for persons with disabilities upon request.
The complaint should be submitted by the grievant and/or his/her designee as soon as possible but no later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation to:
Deputy Director of Administrative Services-Human Resources
125 East College Street
Covina, CA 91723-2199
Click the line below for the City of Covina ADA Policy and Grievance Form.
How to file a claim for injury, damage or loss:
Begin by filling out a claim form. Claim forms can be picked up at the City Clerk or by downloading the document below. Please fill out the form completely and return it to the City Clerk’s Office, located at Covina City Hall, 125 East College Street, Covina, CA 91723.
Only claim forms with original signatures will be accepted. Please be sure to attach any photos, estimates, receipts and/or bills to your claim form. The City Clerk will log the claim, then submit it to the City’s Risk Manager for review.
The Risk Manager oversees the safety program for all City employees. The City adopted an Injury, Illness and Prevention Plan (IIPP) that establishes the safety expectations for all levels of the organization. For workers’ compensation and safety issues, please contact the Risk Manager at (626) 384-5555.