Building & Safety – Apply for a Permit
Important Notice: The City of Covina is implementing an online permitting software, Clariti, to go live in early fall. The Building & Safety Division is accepting hardcopy submittals until that time.
Express Permits and Permits requiring Building Plan Check.
To ensure speedy permitting times, the City of Covina issued “express permits’ over the counter. Some types of express permits include but are not limited to like for like re-roof, minor mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work, and like-for-like window and door changeouts. Please note, that if a mechanical or electrical unit is located outside, you must show/demonstrate a 5-foot setback from the unit to the property line on your site plan. All projects require a site plan, regardless of the scope of work.
Permits requiring Building Plan Check
Any scope of work not mentioned in the above paragraph will likely require building plan check. Please take note, if the project involves any of the following, including but not limited to: roof material changes or pitch change, landscaping, exterior modifications, any additional square feet to structures, any new structures, all sheds regardless of size, new pools or spas, tenant improvement with a change of use, all walls and fences, or any similar job, then Planning Approval is required before submitting to building & Safety for permits.
Important: Please review our Frequently Asked Questions page before beginning the application process for Building Permits.
Step 1: Confirm your project address jurisdiction. The Covina Building & Safety Division can only process applications for addressed within the City of Covina. (not West Covina, and not any Covina county addresses). For help determining your project address jurisdiction, see Check Address Jurisdiction. Also review frequently asked questions.
Step 2: (Express Permits Only)
- A Completed Application Form (missing or incorrect information will delay the permit).
- A Site Plan (required).
- AND ONE of these applicant options
- Homeowner:
- Owner Builder Form and ID. If the ownership is under 2 years, please provide the grant deed.
- Contractor:
- Copy of contractor’s license and ID.
- Agent of Contractor
- Copy of contractor’s license and a letter of authorization to pull permits on behalf of the contractor.
- Homeowner:
A Permit technical will assist at the counter for an over the counter permit.
Step 1: Confirm your project address jurisdiction. The Covina Building & Safety Division can only process applications for addresses within the City of Covina. (Not West Covina, and not any Covina county addresses). For help determining your project address jurisdiction, see Check Address Jurisdiction. Also review frequently asked questions.
Step 2: Review the Informational Handouts page for submittal requirements specific to your project type. If you cannot find this information, kindly contact Building & Safety Staff for assistance. If Planning Approval is required and was obtained, then include your clearance into your plans. (Incorporate Planning Approval Clearance into the plan set, this can be its own page or included within the first or second page of the construction documents. The Planning Approval Clearance is the clearance from the Planning Division to proceed with the permitting process ).
Step 3: Assemble the requirements specific to your project type from step two plus:
- A Completed Application Form (missing or incorrect information will delay the permit).
- A Site Plan (required). 8×11
- AND ONE of these applicant options:
- Homeowner:
- Owner Builder Form and ID. If the ownership is under 2 years, please provide the grant deed.
- Contractor:
- Copy of contractor’s license and ID.
- Agent of Contractor
- Copy of contractor’s license and a letter of authorization to pull permits on behalf of the contractor.
The City will only accept hard copy submittals until Clariti online permitting software is implemented.
The City of Covina was awarded a California Automated Permit Processing Program – CalAPP grant from the California Energy Commission to implement SolarAPP+ as an integration of a new permitting software, Clariti, which is in the final stages of implementation. The Clariti software, including the SolarAPP+ integration component, will go live to the public in September 2024. For more information regarding SolarAPP+, please visit https://solarapp.nrel.gov/.