City Clerk
Andrew Aleman - Covina Elected City Clerk
The Elected City Clerk attends City Council Meetings and participates in ceremonial functions. Andrew Aleman is the current Elected City Clerk, with a term expiring in March 2026.
City Clerk's Office
Services Provided
The City Clerk’s Office/Records Management Department:
- Conducts fair and impartial regular and special municipal elections
- Manages City Council/Agency/Authority agendas and documents, and produces meeting minutes
Maintains the Covina Municipal Code - Records, preserves, and manages public records, and provides for public access
- Accepts claims and service of other legal documents
- Coordinates recruitment applications for voluntary service to advisory boards and commissions
- Serves as compliance officer for conflict of interest statements, campaign disclosure filing, and ethics training.
Elections & Voting
To View the District Election page and District Map please visit mapcovina.org
Covina’s General Municipal Elections are consolidated with Los Angeles County Statewide Primary Elections pursuant to Covina Ordinance 21-04. Pursuant to Ordinance 22-01 the City of Covina has transitioned to a by-district election system and has established 5 districts. Voters in Districts 2 and 4 will have the opportunity to vote for one Councilmember in the district in which they live. To locate which district you are in please click here.
Persons interested in running for office for the city of Covina may schedule an appointment by emailing cityclerk@covinaca.gov.
Campaign Contribution Limit
The current campaign contribution limit per contributor for city candidates is $5,500 per election.
Voter Registration
To register to vote in the City of Covina, you must:
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Be a legal resident of Los Angeles County
- Be at least 18 years old on or before the election date
If you meet these requirements, you must register to vote at least 15 days before the election date.
Vote By Mail
Beginning with the November 3,2020 General Election all registered voters will be mailed a Vote by Mail (VBM) ballot to ensure a safe accessible voting option during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mailing of Vote by Mail ballots in all elections begins 29 days prior to Election Day.
Return your ballot:
- By mail, no postage necessary
- In person at any Vote by Mail Drop-off Site (A Vote by Mail Drop Box is conveniently located in front of Covina City Hall 125 E College Street. For a full list of locations click HERE)
- At any Vote Center in L.A. County
Track Your Ballot
Voters can track their VBM ballot every step of the way. Subscribe to receive real-time tracking notifications by text, email or voicemail. Go to california.ballottrax.net to get started.
Please visit LAvote.net for additional information.
Vote Centers in Covina
Locations will be made available 30-40 days before Election.
For additional Vote Centers in Los Angeles County click HERE. Vote Center locations will also be printed on your Sample Ballot Book and a Vote Center catalog listing all locations will be mailed by Los Angeles County leading up to the election.
Vote Centers Days and Hours
Voters will have 10 consecutive days and Election Day to vote in-person at ANY participating Vote Center in Los Angeles County.
Vote Centers will be open every day from 10 AM to 7 PM during the early voting period. On Election Day Vote Centers will be open from 7 AM to 8 PM.
All participating Vote Centers will follow State and County public health and safety guidelines.