Building & Safety Inspections
Building Inspections Home Page
The Building Division conducts field inspections on projects by verifying building construction is within the parameters requested by the architect or engineer and to ensure public safety & compliance with state and local codes.
Request an Inspection
Send the below information to bldinspections@covinaca.gov:
- Project Address
- Permit Number (BLD##-###)
- Inspection Code
- Inspection Type
- Contact information name and phone number.
Inspections requested before 3:00 pm will be scheduled for the next business day.
No inspections are scheduled Friday to Sunday and on Holidays.
Confirm an Inspection
Click Here to view the Daily Inspection Route
The route is updated daily by end of business day (6:00)pm for the next business day operations. Inspection times are approximately from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mondays through Thursdays. The Inspections are listed in the order of inspection and are separated as AM or PM Shift.
Contact an Inspector
Inspectors are available by phone on normal business days from 7:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Messages left afterward may not be returned until the following business day. 626-384-5460 Cancel an Inspection Send a cancellation email to BLDinspections@covinaca.gov. If a cancellation needs to be requested on a confirmed inspection day, call staff at 626-384-5460.
Preparing for Onsite Inspections
The following is required at the time of inspection:
- Approved plans and documents
- Inspection record card (orange permit card)
- An adult 18 years of age or older must be present to allow access to the inspection site
- All household pets shall be secured away from the construction site
- All construction that requires a permit shall be inspected before it is covered or concealed
- Ladders and scaffolds shall comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards
- Areas to be inspected shall have adequate lighting
- A safe path of travel shall be provided throughout the inspection site. Crawl spaces must be dry, free of obstruction (i.e., insects, rodents, etc.) and deemed safe by the inspector.
- All electrical panels and junction boxes to be inspected shall be open and accessible for inspection. Inspectors will not open boxes or take apart electrical equipment.
Other Inspection Information
Certificate of Occupancy is issued for commercial structures after the inspections are completed.
Public Grading and Right-of-Way Inspections are conducted by the Engineering and Public Works Projects Department. Contact 626-384-5440 for further information and to schedule inspections.
Landscape Inspections take place after all landscape and irrigation work is complete. To schedule or cancel landscape inspections, contact the Planning Department 626-384-5450 and be ready to provide a project number. Customers must provide two business days advance notice to process their request.
Mitigation Monitoring Coordination (MMC) – This section is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) during all phases of the construction process.
Special Inspections are inspections conducted by third parties. They are in addition to City inspections and are not a substitute. Registration with the City of Covina Building Department required.
Tank Application Inspections (TA) must be completed and finalized by the LOS ANGELES Fire Prevention Bureau prior to obtaining a final inspection from Development Services for applicants that required a Tank Application (TA) permit from Technical Services. Call 626-974-8335 for more information. Or contact EPICLA.com