Check Address Jurisdiction
There are 11 county pockets within Covina proper that are not incorporated within the City of Covina, meaning, that if a property is not incorporated, the proper jurisdiction is Los Angeles County for Planning, Building, Code Enforcement, and Public Works inquiries.
A Covina address in a county pocket may still fall under Covina Water, even if their services for Planning, Public Works, Building & Safety, and Code Enforcement are within the County of Los Angeles Jurisdiction. There are other exceptions. If you are unsure, please contact city staff to be assisted or use the below as a general guide to determine if your property is Covina Jurisdiction, or Los Angeles County Jurisdiction.
How to know if a Covina address is in Covina Jurisdiction or County Pocket
- Check our public GIS Viewer. Select the magnifying tool and type in your address. If the property is within the gray
area of the map, then the address is a county address. If it lands on a colored portion of the map (has a Covina Zone assigned
to it), then it is Covina Jurisdiction. - Check the address number or nearest Street Signs. Covina addresses typically are not higher than 2999. Another indicator
is if the property is located south of the 10 Freeway and East of Grand Avenue. Another indicator is if the nearest street signs
are blue (blue means county). Covina Street Signs are standard green and typically include the Covina logo. If any of these indicators describe your address you are likely within Los Angeles County. - Use LA County Online Tools. Open EPIC LA Permit Helper, type in address and hit “search”. A new page will open showing a map and the property jurisdiction on the right-hand side. Los Angeles County Public works also offers a Service Locator Tool. To use, toggle the map or type in address to determine services.
Environmental Services
Water Division
Special Project
Code Enforcement
Building & Safety