Environmental Services Division

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Environmental Services Division

Construction & Demolition Debris Management

Construction, demolition, and remodel activities occurring within the City of Covina generate a significant volume of debris that could be destined for landfills. In order to preserve available landfill space and maintain compliance with CALGreen Building Codes, the City has established a policy that requires the recycling or reuse of material generated by such activities. Complete policy details can be found in Ordinance 18-03, adopted by the Covina City Council in February 2018.

The policy is applicable to all construction, demolition, addition, alteration, and remodeling projects occurring within the City of Covina. Only residential additions and alterations that do not increase the building area, volume, or size are exempt.

Policy requirements consist of the following:

  • Recycling/reuse of 75% of the project waste stream.
  • Recycling/reuse of 100% of material resulting from non-residential land clearing.
  • Use of City approved recycling facilities.
  • Submittal of a Pre-Project Recycling Plan.
  • Payment of an Administrative Fee, non-refundable.
  • Payment of a Diversion Security Deposit, refundable upon verification of compliance.
  • Submittal of a Post-Project Compliance Report.
  • Proper disposal of hazardous and universal waste.

Applicable projects will receive the required forms during plan check. For further information, please contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov.

Community Recycling Locations

Recycling Drop-Off at City Hall

The following items can be dropped off at Covina City Hall, 125 East College Street, during regular business hours for recycling:

  • Batteries (household and rechargeable) – Place tape over the positive terminal in order to prevent fires.
  • Ink Jet Cartridges
  • Small Portable Electronics (cell phones, etc.)
  • Eyeglasses
Community Recycling Center at Public Works Yard

Cardboard, newspapers, and cans and bottles can be dropped off at the Community Recycling Center located just north of the City’s Maintenance Yard at 534 North Barranca Avenue. The Recycling Center is open 24/7. Please flatten all cardboard, and follow the posted instructions.

CRV Recycling

Bottles and cans can be recycled for cash at a CRV redemption center. Click here for locations.

Commercial & Multi-Family Recycling

Mandatory Organics Recycling – SB 1383


Beginning January 1, 2022, all California residents, businesses and multi-family dwellings must recycle organic waste. Organic waste means food waste, landscape and pruning waste, and food-soiled paper waste. This recycling requirement is imposed by SB 1383, which was signed into California law in 2016.

SB 1383 establishes statewide goals to reduce methane emissions, reduce the disposal of organic waste, and recover edible food for human consumption. Organic waste delivered to landfills decomposes and produces 20% of the State’s methane, emitting one of the most potent greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. First, SB 1383 aims to reduce organic waste by 75% by 2025, thereby reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that result from landfill disposal.

Organic discards can instead be recycled into compost, mulch, renewable energy, renewable natural gas, or paper products. Second, SB 1383 aims to recover for human consumption at least 20% of the edible food that is currently being disposed. Surplus edible food can instead be donated to the food insecure.

To comply with SB 1383, Covina businesses and multi-family dwellings have been provided with 30-gallon or 60-gallon organic waste barrels for the collection of food scraps, landscape and pruning waste, and food-soiled paper waste. The barrels are provided by Athens Services and are collected at least one time per week. The collected material is delivered to the company’s compost facility (American Organics), where it is processed into nutrient-rich compost for agricultural end users.

Edible food generators, such as grocery stores and food distributors, must donate surplus food to the food insecure under the new law. Assistance is available to help businesses 1) identify the types and quantities of edible food that can be donated, and then 2) establish a partnership with a local food recovery organization.

For program details, please visit the Organics Recycling page.

Please visit CalRecycle’s Website for more information on California’s Short-lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy.

City-Wide Tree Trimming

The City maintains an inventory of approximately 9,400 trees, located in parkways, public parks, and street medians. City-owned trees are trimmed according to a systematic grid trimming schedule.

Tree Trimming Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions

Mandatory Commercial Recycling – AB 341

All California businesses that generate four cubic yards or more of solid waste per week, as well as multifamily residential dwellings with five or more units, are required to implement a recycling program. This recycling requirement is imposed by AB 341, which was signed into California law in 2011.

In addition, AB 341 set a statewide goal for 75% disposal reduction by 2020.

All Covina businesses and apartments are already in compliance! Athens Services currently transports all of Covina’s waste to a Material Recovery Facility, where recyclables such as paper and plastic are sorted out and then sold to end markets. Therefore, Covina businesses and apartment complexes are already in compliance with AB 341, do not require any additional containers, and do not need to sort any materials.

However, if your business generates a significant quantity of clean recyclables, you may consider a separate recycling bin at a reduced cost. Athens Services offers free waste stream analysis for commercial account holders. To receive a free waste stream analysis for your business, please call (888) 336-6100 or visit AthensServices.com.

Please visit CalRecycle’s Website for more information on California’s Mandatory Commercial Recycling Law.

Business Assistance – Recycling Market Development Zone Program

The Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) program combines recycling with economic development to fuel new business, expand existing business, create jobs, and divert waste from landfills. This program provides attractive loans, technical assistance, and free product marketing to businesses that use materials from the waste stream to manufacture their products. To qualify, businesses must be located within a market development zone; zones cover roughly 88,000 square miles throughout California. For more information, visit the RMDZ program.

Swimming Pool Draining

Pool Draining Permit

Prior to draining a swimming pool, homeowners should complete a Pool Drainage Permit Application, and submit it to the Environmental Services Division. The application identifies the draining method selected by the homeowner, and the dates of the anticipated draining. There are three options:

  • Pool water may be used to irrigate the landscape.
  • If a sewer cleanout exists, pool water should be drained directly into the sewer.
  • Pool water may be released into the gutter if the water is clear, and pH level falls within the neutral range.

There is no fee for the Pool Drainage Permit, however, penalties may be applied if a pool is drained without obtaining a permit.

Pool Drainage Permit Application

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Guidelines for Swimming Pools

Swimming Pool Draining

Fact: Storm drains lead straight to the ocean.
Fact: Storm drains are for rain water only.

The City of Covina’s storm water pollution prevention program is governed by various federal, state and local laws. The regulations prohibit contaminants (such as auto fluids, litter, pesticides, fertilizers, pet waste, construction sediment, etc.) from entering the storm drain system. The goal is to protect the beneficial uses of our water bodies, and protect the aquatic life that depends on those water bodies.

The City of Covina is currently covered by National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, relating to municipal storm water systems, industrial activities, and construction activities. Under these permits, the City is held accountable for water quality in our waterways.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Requirements

Property owners and contractors may not discharge any substances into the street, per Covina Municipal Code Section 8.50. Discharges travel down our gutters, enter our storm drain system, and ultimately pollute our waterways. Follow these tips to avoid penalties:

  • DON’T wash paint, chemicals, oils, or fertilizers into the sidewalk, street, alley, or catch basin.
  • DON’T release sediment, yard waste, construction debris, or litter into the street.
  • DON’T drain pool water without a Pool Drainage Permit from the Environmental Services Division.
  • DON’T rinse paint brushes, buckets, or pool filters onto driveways or streets.
  • DON’T overwater your landscape; irrigation runoff is prohibited.
  • DON’T hose down driveways, walkways, or sidewalks into the street.
  • DO sweep up and discard sediment and litter.
  • DO capture wash water and release it into a sewer drain.
  • DO take toxic materials to a hazardous waste collection event.
  • DO be sure hired contractors and landscapers comply.
Reporting Discharges or Spills Going Into a Storm Drain

Discharges or spills entering the storm drain system should be reported to the Environmental Services Division as soon as possible. Call 626-384-5480 or email environmental@covinaca.gov, and be prepared to report the address, the type of discharge, and the date and time of the occurrence.

Progress Toward Water Quality Objectives

The 2021 MS4 NPDES Permit requires jurisdictions and watershed groups to provide updates on how we are progressing on meeting water quality objectives within our watershed area. Please visit the WRAMPS2.org website and click on the Upper San Gabriel River link for information on tracking stormwater capture, progress our City has made in implementing stormwater capture, treatment and infiltration projects. The semi-annual and annual reports are available in both Spanish and English.

Stay tuned for an interactive progress dashboard to be released in 2023, which is being developed for our watershed area in order to provide even greater accessibility and understanding of the progress we are making to improve stormwater quality.

Storm Water Films

There’s a lot to learn about storm water pollution prevention.

“Slow the Flow: Be a California Water Warrior” is a seven part series of instructional videos that show what people can do to change how storm water leaves their landscape and how they can be stewards of their watersheds. These films bring to life simple practices that individuals and communities can do to conserve water, become stewards of our watersheds, and the slow the flow of storm water from homes and businesses. Each video runs five to seven minutes in length.

Video 1: What the Heck is Storm Water Runoff?
Video 2: Lawn Removal – Lawn Begone
Video 3: Make the Water Go – Disconnecting Down Spouts
Video 4: Lawn Practices – Grass can Always be Greener
Video 5: Soils – Digging Up the Dirt on Soil
Video 6: Permeable Pavers – Breaking Up is Easy to Do
Video 7: Swales are Swell and So Are Rain Gardens

Thank you for being a part of our efforts to protect our ground and surface waters.

Rebates & Incentives for Businesses

SCE and SoCal Gas Rebate Programs

SCE and SoCalGas offer rebates, incentives, tools, and programs to help businesses save energy and save money. Use the links below to explore the options:

SCE Rebate Programs

SoCalGas Rebate Programs

Rebates & Incentives for Residents

FREE Energy Assessments for Your Home (An eSGV Program)
  • Do you have high electricity bills?
  • Do you notice a significant temperature difference from room to room?
  • Does dust from outside frequently enter your home?
  • Are there certain rooms that just aren’t comfortable?

Begin with a FREE energy assessment for your home. The Efficient San Gabriel Valley (eSGV) Program provides a whole house energy assessment to help homeowners identify opportunities that reduce energy usage and energy costs. The assessment will identify behavioral changes, household retrofit opportunities, incentives, rebates, and savings programs that can help reduce energy use and save money. Residents may request a virtual or in-person assessment through the eSGV website or by phone. Energy assessments are performed by trained personnel. Following their appointment, residents receive a thorough post-assessment report with a series of tailored energy efficiency recommendations, as well as extensive resources for savings opportunities.

For more information please visit the eSGV website or call (626) 457-1800.

No Cost Home Improvements for Income Qualified Residents (A SoCalGas Program)

SoCalGas provides free home improvement services to income-qualified residents through the Energy Savings Assistance Program. Home improvements offered to eligible residents include – weather-stripping, caulking, faucet aerators, low-flow showerheads, thermostatic shower valves, attic insulation, furnace repair, water heater repair, clothes washer replacement, and minor home repairs. The program is available to both homeowners and renters. There are two ways to qualify:

1) At least one member of the household must receive benefits from a public assistance program such as Medi-cal/Medicaid, WIC, CalFresh, CalWORKs, National School Lunch Program, or Supplemental Security Income.


2) The total household income must qualify as “low income” according to the standards set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

To see if you qualify, visit the SoCalGas Energy Savings Assistance Program and complete the online form. Or you may call (800) 331-7593. A program representative will provide guidance throughout the entire process.

Electric Lawn Mower Rebate Program (An SCAQMD Program)

Help improve air quality by replacing your gasoline-powered lawn mower with an electric mower.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) offers a rebate to residents that purchase a qualifying electric lawn mower. Residents that purchase a new, cordless electric lawn mower and scrap their old gas mower are eligible for a rebate check based on the purchase price of the new mower.

The online application is available at www.aqmd.gov/lawnmower. Rebates range from $150 – $250, depending on the purchase price of the new electric lawn mower. Over 20 electric lawn mower models qualify. Purchases can be made in-store or online.

For more information on this rebate program, please contact the South Coast AQMD at lawnmower@aqmd.gov or (888) 425-6247 (Tuesday through Friday).

Energy Saving Resources from SoCal Edison

To help homeowners conserve energy and save money, SCE offers a variety of rebates, incentives, appliance options, and retailer options. Visit the SCE website for further details.

Smart Gardening Workshops

Free Smart Gardening workshops are held year-round throughout LA County.  Both in-person workshops and online webinars are available. 

In Person Workshops

In person workshops offer two curriculums:

  • Beginner Workshop – Learn the basic techniques of backyard composting, worm composting, grasscycling, water-wise gardening, and edible gardening.
  • Advanced Workshop – Learn the fundamental principles for drought-tolerant landscaping, integrated pest management, and organic gardening.

View workshop dates and locations.

Online Webinars

Online webinars offer four topics:

  • Intro to Composting – Learn about backyard and worm composting to create a rich soil amendment and nourish your garden.
  • Water-Wise Gardening – Create a beautiful drought-tolerant landscape and learn about grasscycling to fortify your lawn.
  • Organic Gardening – Build healthy soil, grow herbs and vegetables, and address plant pests and diseases using organic methods.
  • Small-Space Gardening – Learn to grow plants in containers and set up a small-space worm composting system.

View webinar dates and locations.

Free Backyard Compost Bins for Covina Residents

City of Covina residents that attend a workshop/webinar may receive a FREE backyard compost bin, upon proof of attendance (Soil Saver Compost Bin, 94 gallon capacity). Non-Covina attendees can purchase backyard compost bins at the subsidized price of $40, and worm compost bins for $65 (price includes worms). Contact the Environmental Service Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov for more information.

For instructional videos and more information on composting, smart gardening, native plants, and waterwise plants, please visit www.smartgardening.com.

Trash Collection

Trash service is provided by Athens Services, for residents and businesses. Athens Services is the City of Covina’s exclusive franchise waste hauler.
To establish, change, or terminate refuse service, contact Athens Services at AthensServices.com or (888) 336-6100. Athens Services is open Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Residential Refuse Service

Standard Service
Standard residential refuse service consists of three, 90-gallon barrels:

  • Black Barrel – trash – food wrappers, wipes, coated paper products, plastic bags, and pet waste
  • Blue or Gray Barrel – recyclables – paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, and glass products
  • Green Barrel – organics – prunings, small branches, grass clippings, food scraps, and food soiled paper

All barrels are collected weekly at curbside. For assistance in determining what’s trash, what’s recyclable, and what’s organic, please visit the What Goes Where Guide.

Current Rate Schedule

Low Income-Senior Citizen Discount
Qualifying low-income senior citizens are eligible to apply for a 30-gallon refuse container, at a discounted price. Please complete the Discount Application and return it to the Environmental Services Division with supporting documents either in person or via email to environmental@covinaca.gov.

Low Income-Senior Discount Application

Commercial and Multi-Family Refuse Service

Commercial and multi-family properties may choose from a variety of bin sizes and varying frequency of collection.

Commercial and multi-family properties using bins (dumpsters) also participate in recycling. Contents from bins are taken to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where the material is sorted, and recyclables are separated and processed. Athens Services does the recycling for you!

Additionally, 30 to 60 gallon green barrels are provided for the collection of organic waste (food waste, food soiled paper, and landscaping debris).

Current Rate Schedule

Bulky Item Collection

Residential customers, including apartment residents, are entitled to FREE bulky item pickup.

Materials Accepted:
Furniture, mattresses, appliances, water heaters, air conditioners, and bundled yard trimmings.

Materials Not Accepted:
E-waste, tires, and hazardous materials.

To Schedule a Pick-Up:
Contact Athens Services at (888) 336-6100 at least one day before your regular trash day to schedule a FREE bulky item pick-up. Bulky item pick-ups can also be requested using the online form.

Bulky item pick up is available to commercial and industrial customers for a nominal charge.

Materials Not Accepted:
E-waste, tires, and hazardous materials.

To Schedule a Pick-Up:
Contact Athens Services at (888) 336-6100 at least one day before your regular trash day to schedule a FREE bulky item pick-up. Bulky item pick-ups can also be requested using the online form.

Bulky item pick up is available to commercial and industrial customers for a nominal charge.

Mandatory Organics Recycling, Effective January 1, 2022

Beginning January 1, 2022, California residents and businesses must recycle organic waste. Organic waste means food waste, food soiled paper, and landscaping debris. This recycling requirement is imposed by SB 1383, which was signed into California law in 2016.

  • Residents should place food scraps, landscape debris, and food soiled paper in their existing green barrels.
  • Businesses should place food scraps, landscape debris, and food soiled paper in their new green barrels.
  • Food Service Providers must donate surplus edible food to the food insecure.

For complete details, please visit the Organics Recycling page.

Household Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste Collection Events

Hazardous waste may not be placed in the regular trash. Any household material considered toxic should be delivered to a Hazardous Waste Collection Event for proper disposal.

Hazardous Waste Collection Events are held every Saturday, usually from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. This is a drive-thru drop-off event, and participation is free of charge.

Visit the collection event schedule for upcoming dates and locations.

The following items are ACCEPTED:

  • Motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid, antifreeze
  • Paint, paint thinner, turpentine
  • Cleaners
  • Pesticides, herbicides
  • Household batteries, car batteries
  • Pool chemicals
  • Obsolete electronics
  • Mercury thermometers, thermostats
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • Used needles or sharps
  • Unwanted or expired medication

The following items are NOT accepted:

  • Explosives
  • Ammunition
  • Radioactive materials
  • Trash
  • Tires
  • Large appliances (stoves, refrigerators, washers)
  • Controlled substances
  • Business waste

Additional information:

  • Bring items in a sturdy box, preferably in their original containers.
  • Do not mix products together.
  • Limit of 15 gallons or 125 pounds of hazardous waste per trip.
  • Be prepared to leave your containers.
Electronic Waste Recycling (E-Waste)

E-Waste may be delivered to a Hazardous Waste Collection Event for proper disposal. Visit the collection event schedule for upcoming dates and locations.

E-Waste may also be delivered to periodic collection events sponsored by the Covina Chamber of Commerce. These collection events take place throughout the year, at the Covina Smart & Final market:

  • Smart & Final Parking Lot
    114 North Azusa Avenue, in Covina
    9am to 3pm
    May 6 and 7, 2023
    July 8 and 9, 2023
    September 9 and 10, 2023
    November 11 and 12, 2023
    Event Flyer
Used Motor Oil

It is illegal to dispose of used motor oil in the trash, on the ground, in waterways, or in storm drains. Properly dispose of used motor oil and used filters by taking them to one of Covina’s certified collection centers:

  • Auto Zone – 1445 N. Citrus Avenue – (626) 915-7695
  • Auto Zone – 841 E. Badillo Street – (626) 646-2840
  • Citrus Valley Kia – 626 S. Citrus Avenue – (626) 736-4275
  • Covina Bozzani Volkswagen – 528 S. Citrus Avenue – (626) 967-6325
  • O’Reilly Auto Parts – 501 N. Azusa Avenue – (626) 339-5888
  • Pep Boys – 1240 N. Azusa Avenue – (626) 966-1244

Drop off oil and filters during business hours only.

Covina residents may pickup up a FREE oil drain container from City Hall. Visit the Environmental Services Division during regular business hours to obtain a container.

Visit the Used Oil Recycling Program or call 1-888-CleanLA for a listing of collection centers in other areas.


California’s PaintCare program offers drop-off sites throughout the State where the public can take unwanted paint, stains, and varnishes for recycling. PaintCare sites generally accept up to 5 gallons per visit. Sites do not accept aerosols, spray paint, leaking, unlabeled, or empty containers.

Visit the PaintCare Locator to find nearby drop-off sites. Nearby drop-off sites include a variety of paint retailers located in West Covina, Azusa, and Glendora.


Home generated sharps (hypodermic needles, pen needles, intravenous needles, and lancets) cannot be disposed of in the trash.

Proper disposal options include the following:

  • LA County Sheriff’s Department, San Dimas Station
    270 S. Walnut Avenue, in San Dimas
    Sharps disposal kiosk is located outside, near front entrance, available 24/7.
  • Kaiser Baldwin Park
    1011 Baldwin Park Blvd., in Baldwin Park
    Sharps disposal kiosk is located outside, near patient drop off, available 24/7.
  • Kaiser San Dimas
    1255 Arrow Highway, in San Dimas
    Sharps disposal kiosk located inside each building. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
  • Hazardous Waste Collection Events
    Call 1(888) CLEAN-LA or visit the collection event schedule for a list of upcoming collection events.

Covina residents may pick up a FREE sharps container and a list of disposal locations from City Hall. Visit the Environmental Services Division during regular business hours to obtain a container.


Expired or unused medication should not be disposed of in the trash or in a drain. Both prescription and nonprescription products should be taken to a safe drug drop-off.

Proper disposal options include the following:

  • CVS Covina
    575 South Citrus Avenue, in Covina
    Pill collection box is located near the pharmacy.
  • Albertsons Glendora
    133 West Route 66 @ Glendora Avenue, in Glendora
    Pill collection box is located near the pharmacy. Bring pills in a zip-lock bag, no bottles.
  • Kaiser Baldwin Park
    1011 Baldwin Park Blvd., in Baldwin Park
    Go to 1st floor pharmacy and request a postage paid mail-in bag, open 24/7.
  • Hazardous Waste Collection Events
    Call 1(888) CLEAN-LA or visit the collection event schedule for a list of upcoming collection events.

Organics Recycling

New Starting January 1, 2022

All California residents, businesses, and multifamily dwellings must start recycling food waste. In Covina, food waste should be placed in the green barrel along with landscaping debris.
Athens Services collects all forms of organic waste (food waste, food soiled paper, and landscaping debris) and delivers the material to their American Organics facility where the mixture is recycled into nutrient rich compost.

Why Recycle Organic Waste?

When disposed in landfills, organic waste generates a significant amount of methane gas. Methane gas is a harmful climate pollutant that traps heat in the atmosphere.

Mandatory organic waste recycling is part of a State-wide strategy to reduce methane gas and other harmful greenhouse gas emissions associated with landfill disposal.
SB 1383 was passed by the California legislature in 2016, and establishes a pathway to fight climate change.

SB 1383 is known as California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Reduction Act, and establishes two targets by 2025:

  • Reduce the disposal of organic waste by 75%.
  • Recover 20% of currently disposed edible food for human consumption.

Beginning January 1, 2022, Covina residents should place both yard waste and food waste in the green barrel.

For a complete list of materials accepted in the green barrel, an instructional video, and helpful tips, visit Athens Services.

Rate Increase: Due to the added costs associated with this State mandated program, the City has implemented a rate increase effective July 1, 2022. The rate increases will be phased over four years in order to ease the financial burden upon residents. An SB 1383 organics recycling charge of $1.46/month has been added to residential rates beginning July 1, 2022. Subsequently, a charge of $0.74 will be added to residential rates on July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025.

Organics Recycling for Residents – Flye


Apartment buildings that use a common trash dumpster are issued a separate 30-gallon or 60-gallon green barrel for the collection of food scraps and landscaping debris. Apartment residents may contact their building manager for further details. How and where to recycle food scraps differs for each apartment building.

For a complete list of materials accepted in the green barrel, an instructional video, and helpful tips, visit Athens Services.

Rate Increase: Due to the added costs associated with this State mandated program, the City has implemented a rate increase effective July 1, 2022. The rate increases will be phased over four years in order to ease the financial burden upon customers. An SB 1383 organics recycling charge of $0.98/month has been added to commercial rates beginning July 1, 2022. Subsequently, a charge of $0.50 will be added to commercial rates on July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025.

The cost of green barrels is also phased over four years. Currently, customers pay only 50% of the cost, while the remaining 50% of the cost is subsidized. Beginning January 1, 2024, customers will bear 75% of the cost. Beginning January 1, 2025, customers will bear 100% of the cost.

Organics Recycling for Apartments – Flyer


Businesses that use a trash dumpster are issued a separate 30-gallon or 60-gallon green barrel for the collection of food scraps and landscaping debris.

For a complete list of materials accepted in the green barrel, an instructional video, and helpful tips, visit Athens Services. Free prep area bins, posters, and staff training are available to interested food related businesses.

Exemptions: Some businesses may be exempted from the organic waste recycling requirement. Waivers may be granted if minimal amounts of organics are generated, space constraints exist, or alternative recycling methods are implemented. Businesses may contact Athens Services at (888) 336-6100 or OrganicsRequest@athensservices.com to see if they qualify.

Rate Increase: Due to the added costs associated with this State mandated program, the City has implemented a rate increase effective July 1, 2022. The rate increases will be phased over four years in order to ease the financial burden upon customers. An SB 1383 organics recycling charge of $0.98/month has been added to commercial rates beginning July 1, 2022. Subsequently, a charge of $0.50 will be added to commercial rates on July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025.

The cost of green barrels is also phased over four years. Currently, businesses pay only 50% of the cost, while the remaining 50% of the cost is subsidized. Beginning January 1, 2024, businesses will bear 75% of the cost. Beginning January 1, 2025, businesses will bear 100% of the cost.

Organics Recycling for Businesses – Flye

Businesses that Sell or Prepare Food

SB 1383 establishes a State-wide goal to recover 20% of currently disposed edible food for human consumption by 2025. To accomplish this, the law places requirements upon business types that prepare and/or sell food.

  • Beginning January 1, 2022, Tier 1 Edible Food Generators must donate edible food. SB 1383 defines Tier 1 as: supermarkets, grocery stores, food service providers, and food distributors.
  • Beginning January 1, 2024, Tier 2 Edible Food Generators must donate edible food. SB 1383 defines Tier II as: restaurants with more than 250 seats or 5,000 square feet, hotels with over 200 rooms, health facilities with over 100 beds, and large events.

For assistance with the recovery and donation of edible food, please contact the City of Covina Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480. The City of Covina has partnered with 14 other cities to implement a regional program that pairs edible food generators with food recovery organizations. The regional program provides technical assistance, education, program monitoring, and inspections.

Assistance with Edible Food Donation – Flyer

What Types of Food Scraps Go Into the Green Barrel

Residents and businesses may place all types of food scraps in the green barrel.

  • Acceptable: fruits, vegetables, meat, bones, eggs, coffee grounds and filters, bread, cheese, dairy, seafood, pasta, and food soiled paper.
  • Not acceptable: tea bags, coffee pods, oils and grease, food stickers, rubber bands and twists, wet wipes, and pet waste.

For assistance in determining what’s organic, what’s recyclable, and what’s trash, please visit the What Goes Where Guide.

Free Kitchen Caddies for Covina Residents

Covina residents may receive a free kitchen caddy for the collection of food scraps. Kitchen caddies may be stored on the counter, under the sink, or in the refrigerator. Visit the Engineering counter at City Hall during regular business hours to redeem your kitchen caddy. Proof of residency required; one caddy per household while supplies last.

Using Bags

Bags are optional. Food scraps may be collected in a clear plastic bag, then placed in the green barrel. Food scraps may also be placed loosely in the green barrel. The choice is yours.

Tips for Preventing Odors and Insects
  • Place food scraps in a clear plastic bag. Clear bags are accepted in the green barrel.
  • Kitchen caddy may be lined with a plastic bag, paper bag, or newspaper.
  • Keep the kitchen caddy lid closed.
  • Keep the green barrel lid closed.
  • Place food scraps in the center of the green barrel, surrounded by yard waste.
  • Rinse kitchen caddy as needed, dry, then sprinkle with baking soda to absorb odors.
  • Store meat and dairy scraps in the refrigerator or freezer until trash day.
Compliance Inspections

SB 1383 requires the City to conduct inspections and issue corrective action notices to properties that don’t comply. Recycling organic waste (food waste, food soiled paper, and landscaping debris) is now mandatory. Athens Services will be conducting inspections on behalf of the City.

There will be no penalties for non-compliance at this time as residents and businesses transition to the new disposal requirements. The City and Athens Services have deployed a comprehensive education and assistance program in order to encourage compliance.


For additional information regarding organics recycling, please contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov.

Commerical & Multi-Family Recycling

Mnadatory Organics Recycling - SB 1383


Beginning January 1, 2022, all California residents, businesses and multi-family dwellings must recycle organic waste. Organic waste means food waste, landscape and pruning waste, and food-soiled paper waste. This recycling requirement is imposed by SB 1383, which was signed into California law in 2016.

SB 1383 establishes statewide goals to reduce methane emissions, reduce the disposal of organic waste, and recover edible food for human consumption. Organic waste delivered to landfills decomposes and produces 20% of the State’s methane, emitting one of the most potent greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. First, SB 1383 aims to reduce organic waste by 75% by 2025, thereby reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that result from landfill disposal.

Organic discards can instead be recycled into compost, mulch, renewable energy, renewable natural gas, or paper products. Second, SB 1383 aims to recover for human consumption at least 20% of the edible food that is currently being disposed. Surplus edible food can instead be donated to the food insecure.

To comply with SB 1383, Covina businesses and multi-family dwellings have been provided with 30-gallon or 60-gallon organic waste barrels for the collection of food scraps, landscape and pruning waste, and food-soiled paper waste. The barrels are provided by Athens Services and are collected at least one time per week. The collected material is delivered to the company’s compost facility (American Organics), where it is processed into nutrient-rich compost for agricultural end users.

Edible food generators, such as grocery stores and food distributors, must donate surplus food to the food insecure under the new law. Assistance is available to help businesses 1) identify the types and quantities of edible food that can be donated, and then 2) establish a partnership with a local food recovery organization.

For program details, please visit the Organics Recycling page.

Please visit CalRecycle’s Website for more information on California’s Short-lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy.

City-Wide Tree Trimming

The City maintains an inventory of approximately 9,400 trees, located in parkways, public parks, and street medians. City-owned trees are trimmed according to a systematic grid trimming schedule.

Tree Trimming Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions

Mandatory Commercial Recycling - AB 341

All California businesses that generate four cubic yards or more of solid waste per week, as well as multifamily residential dwellings with five or more units, are required to implement a recycling program. This recycling requirement is imposed by AB 341, which was signed into California law in 2011.

In addition, AB 341 set a statewide goal for 75% disposal reduction by 2020.

All Covina businesses and apartments are already in compliance! Athens Services currently transports all of Covina’s waste to a Material Recovery Facility, where recyclables such as paper and plastic are sorted out and then sold to end markets. Therefore, Covina businesses and apartment complexes are already in compliance with AB 341, do not require any additional containers, and do not need to sort any materials.

However, if your business generates a significant quantity of clean recyclables, you may consider a separate recycling bin at a reduced cost. Athens Services offers free waste stream analysis for commercial account holders. To receive a free waste stream analysis for your business, please call (888) 336-6100 or visit AthensServices.com.

Please visit CalRecycle’s Website for more information on California’s Mandatory Commercial Recycling Law.

Business Assistance - Recycling Market Development Zone Program

The Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) program combines recycling with economic development to fuel new business, expand existing business, create jobs, and divert waste from landfills. This program provides attractive loans, technical assistance, and free product marketing to businesses that use materials from the waste stream to manufacture their products. To qualify, businesses must be located within a market development zone; zones cover roughly 88,000 square miles throughout California. For more information, visit the RMDZ program.

Windstorm Update

The City had activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during the most severe portions of the wind event.  We will continue to monitor conditions and reopen the EOC when needed. The activation of the EOC ensures that City departments and other key service providers are coordinating response efforts to mitigate the impacts of these weather conditions. Locally, strong winds have caused downed trees/debris and power outages in the community. City crews will continue to monitor these conditions and respond to incidents to clear roadways of debris.


The City remains committed to providing essential services and ensuring public safety. Additional resources available to the community include the City’s smart phone service request application (Covina at Your Service), Southern California Edison’s power outage status map (https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status) and LA County Fire Department’s “Ready! Set! Go!” brochure on wildfire preparedness (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/). Additionally, community members may download the smart phone application Watch Duty (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/) to receive updates on local conditions.


For the latest updates, please visit the City’s website, social media accounts or contact us at (626) 384-5400. For the Covina Police Department, please contact us at (626) 331-3391 and for all emergencies, please dial 9 – 1 – 1.

Rise and Shine state of the city of Covina video