Public Works NEW

Monday – Thursday: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Close Fridays
Contact Us
Engineering Services: (626) 384-5490
Environmental Services: (626) 384-5480
Transportation: (626) 384-5520
Streets, Sewers, Water: (626) 384-5220
Water Service: For water service questions please call (626) 384-5230
Covina Refuse Billing: For refuse billing questions, please call Covina Disposal at (888) 336-6100.
Email: pw@covinaca.gov
The City of Covina Public Works Department is comprised of ten divisions that serve the community. Administration, Building Maintenance, Engineering, Environmental Services, Fleet, Park Maintenance, Streets, Sewer, Transportation, and Water Utility.
Mission Statement
To promote the economic vitality and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Covina by developing and operating safe, efficient, and high-quality infrastructure systems and public services.
Quick Links
EV and CNG Stations – Opens to the Public
The City of Covina operates 5 EV charging stations and 1 CNG fuel station. All locations are open to the public.
For questions, please call the City of Covina Public Works Department at (626) 384-5220.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations
Locations: Metrolink Parking Structure, ground floor
559 North Citrus Avenue
Level II connection, with 2 charging ports
Downtown Parking Structure, ground floor
124 East College Street
Level II connection, with 2 charging ports
City of Covina Public Works Yard
534 North Barranca Avenue
Level II connection, with 2 charging ports
Downtown Parking Lot
201 North Citrus Avenue, behind 3 Vinos Restaurant
Level II connection, with 4 charging ports
Downtown Parking Lot
135 East Badillo Avenue
Level II connection, with 2 charging points
Hours: 24/7
Payment: ChargePoint card or app
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station
Location: City of Covina Public Works Yard
534 North Barranca Avenue
Hours: Monday to Thursday, 6:00 am to 4:30 pm
Payment: Credit card only
Graffiti Removal in Public Rights-of-Way
To report graffiti in public rights-of-way, please call the City of Covina Graffiti Hotline at (626) 384-5599, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app. Be prepared to report the following:
- The address or intersection.
- A detailed description of the location
(expl. – on the south-west block wall, or, on the stop sign facing east). - Your phone number in case more information is needed.
Graffiti Removal on Private Property
Graffiti removal on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. Below is a list of agencies that may be contacted for graffiti removal.
- Unincorporated areas of Covina, with addresses above 2999 – LA County Graffiti Hotline – (800) 675-4357 or pw/lacounty.gov/go/graffitti
- Railroad tracks or easement – MetroLink – (800) 371-5465
- Flood control channels, basins, or washes – LA County Graffiti Hotline – (800) 675-4357 or pw/lacounty.gov/go/graffitti
- Dumpsters – Athens Services – (888) 336-6100
- Freeways – CalTrans – https://csr.dot.ca.gov/
- Public school property – contact the school district office
- Gated community – contact the HOA or property management firm
- Private property, private businesses, shopping centers – contact the owner or property manager
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is prohibited in Covina.
To report the illegal dumping of any trash, bulky items, construction materials, or hazardous wastes, contact the Environmental Services Division as soon as possible. Call 626-384-5480, email environmental@covinaca.gov, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app. Be prepared to provide a description of the item(s) and their exact location.
Abandoned Shopping Carts
Abandoned shopping carts are unwanted in our community, and unsightly.
To report an abandoned shopping cart, contact the Public Works Department at 626-384-5220, email pw@covinaca.gov, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app. Be prepared to provide the exact location of the shopping cart.
Street Sweeping
Street sweeping is provided by Athens Services. Sweeping occurs every other week, and follows trash collection day.
Street sweeping occurs on Monday, for areas with refuse collection on Friday.
If a holiday falls on a weekday, street sweeping will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.
Street sweeping is generally canceled on rainy days.
Please avoid parking on the street on scheduled sweeping days in order to ensure our roads are properly swept.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov.
Requesting a Street Tree for Your Parkway
Street trees provide shade, cleaner air, and beautify our neighborhoods. Property owners interested in planting a tree in their parkway should contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov. The City will assist in selecting a tree species that is consistent and compatible with nearby trees. Street trees are planted by the City. Installation includes a root guard to help prevent sidewalk uplift, and watering for the first 90 days. Thereafter, watering becomes the responsibility of the property owner. The City will provide scheduled tree trimming for the duration of the tree’s life.
City-Wide Tree Trimming
The City maintains an inventory of approximately 9,400 trees, located in parkways, public parks, and street medians. City-owned trees are trimmed according to a systematic grid trimming schedule.
Tree Trimming Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions
Maintenance of City-Owned Trees
Trees that are posing a hazard may be reported to the City for inspection. To report broken limbs, excessive pests, sidewalk uplift, or other hazards, contact the Public Works Department at 626-384-5220, email pw@covinaca.gov, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app.
Mosquitos and Black Flies
Contact: San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District – (626) 814-9466 – www.sgvmosquito.org.
Contact: LA County Agricultural Commissioner of Weights and Measures – (800) BEE-WARY – https://acwm.lacounty.gov/bees-in-our-environment/.
Note: To report bees in City street trees, please contact the Covina Public Works Department at (626) 384-5220.
Contact: LA County Department of Environmental Health, Vector Management Program – (626) 430-5450 – http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh/safety/rats.htm.
Graffiti Removal
Graffiti Removal in Public Rights-of-Way
To report graffiti in public rights-of-way, please call the City of Covina Graffiti Hotline at (626) 384-5599, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app. Be prepared to report the following:
- The address or intersection.
- A detailed description of the location
(expl. – on the south-west block wall, or, on the stop sign facing east). - Your phone number in case more information is needed.
Graffiti Removal on Private Property
Graffiti removal on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. Below is a list of agencies that may be contacted for graffiti removal.
- Unincorporated areas of Covina, with addresses above 2999 – LA County Graffiti Hotline – (800) 675-4357 or pw/lacounty.gov/go/graffitti
- Railroad tracks or easement – MetroLink – (800) 371-5465
- Flood control channels, basins, or washes – LA County Graffiti Hotline – (800) 675-4357 or pw/lacounty.gov/go/graffitti
- Dumpsters – Athens Services – (888) 336-6100
- Freeways – CalTrans – https://csr.dot.ca.gov/
- Public school property – contact the school district office
- Gated community – contact the HOA or property management firm
- Private property, private businesses, shopping centers – contact the owner or property manager
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is prohibited in Covina.
To report the illegal dumping of any trash, bulky items, construction materials, or hazardous wastes, contact the Environmental Services Division as soon as possible. Call 626-384-5480, email environmental@covinaca.gov, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app. Be prepared to provide a description of the item(s) and their exact location.
Abandoned Shopping Carts
Abandoned shopping carts are unwanted in our community, and unsightly.
To report an abandoned shopping cart, contact the Public Works Department at 626-384-5220, email pw@covinaca.gov, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app. Be prepared to provide the exact location of the shopping cart.
Street Sweeping

Street sweeping is provided by Athens Services. Sweeping occurs every other week, and follows trash collection day.
Street sweeping occurs on Monday, for areas with refuse collection on Friday.
If a holiday falls on a weekday, street sweeping will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.
Street sweeping is generally canceled on rainy days.
Please avoid parking on the street on scheduled sweeping days in order to ensure our roads are properly swept.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov.
Street Trees
Requesting a Street Tree for Your Parkway
Street trees provide shade, cleaner air, and beautify our neighborhoods. Property owners interested in planting a tree in their parkway should contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov. The City will assist in selecting a tree species that is consistent and compatible with nearby trees. Street trees are planted by the City. Installation includes a root guard to help prevent sidewalk uplift, and watering for the first 90 days. Thereafter, watering becomes the responsibility of the property owner. The City will provide scheduled tree trimming for the duration of the tree’s life.
City-Wide Tree Trimming
The City maintains an inventory of approximately 9,400 trees, located in parkways, public parks, and street medians. City-owned trees are trimmed according to a systematic grid trimming schedule.
Maintenance of City-Owned Trees
Trees that are posing a hazard may be reported to the City for inspection. To report broken limbs, excessive pests, sidewalk uplift, or other hazards, contact the Public Works Department at 626-384-5220, email pw@covinaca.gov, or make a report through the Covina At Your Service app.
Pest Control
Mosquitos and Black Flies
Contact: San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District – (626) 814-9466 – www.sgvmosquito.org.
Contact: LA County Agricultural Commissioner of Weights and Measures – (800) BEE-WARY – https://acwm.lacounty.gov/bees-in-our-environment/.
Note: To report bees in City street trees, please contact the Covina Public Works Department at (626) 384-5220.
Contact: LA County Department of Environmental Health, Vector Management Program – (626) 430-5450 – http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh/safety/rats.htm.