The City prepared the Covina Active Streets and Multi-Modal Connectivity Plan (2024), or CASMCP, to further multi-modal connectivity in the City. The CASMCP is rooted in mobility, first/last mile needs, and fully integrates the City’s long-term vision for economic development and urban design. The CASMCP builds on the City’s solid planning foundation, including the Covina Bicycle Master Plan (2011) and the Covina Town Center Specific Plan (2019), to create a feasible set of recommendations with clear steps for implementation. The plan was made possible thanks to grant funding from the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program, and Measure C (Metro) funding. A very special thanks to the Covina City Council, Covina Transportation and Mobility Advisory Commission, Covina Planning Commission, and the residents who contributed their time and valuable input into the plan.
Your Plan in Action
The city’s Public Works and Community Development Departments are working collaboratively to implement the goals and recommendations outlined in the CASMCP. below are a few examples:
- The City submitted a grant application under the Caltrans Cycle 7 ATP, to fund the design, planning, and construction costs associated with the Second Avenue Corridor. Second Avenue was called out in the CASMCP as an opportunity site to enhance the pedestrian and bicycle network in Covina.
- The City was awarded Metro TOC Grant Writing Assistance to prepare a grant application under the SCAG ATP for a quick build ATP project on Front Street (in the downtown FAIR District).