Community Development Department
The Covina Community Development Department works to improve the quality of life of Covina’s residents and the appearance of the City. We strive to abate blight and decay by promoting the safe and orderly development and revitalization of the community using acceptable planning strategies and code enforcement practices. The Department consists of the Planning, Building & Safety, Code Enforcement, and Special Projects Divisions.
Authenticity is the new watchword for business development and Covina has it in spades. Covina offers retailers and businesses an authentic walkable downtown and is a premier location for unique restaurants and retailers. The community is poised to blossom in the atmosphere of environmental consciousness that is guiding California into the future. For prime community development opportunities, contact Brian K. Lee, Director of Community Development, at Planning@covinaca.gov
Building & Safety
Building & Safety
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement
Special Projects
Special Projects
Public Notices
RFP's, RFQ, and Bids
Covina Opportunity
Authenticity is the new watchword for business development in the 21st century–and Covina has it in spades. While the instant suburbs of the last century scramble to create faux town centers, Covina offers retailers and businesses an authentic, walkable, downtown.
Covina is the premier location for distinctive and unique restaurants and retailers that have made it the entertainment center for the San Gabriel Valley. Nightlife, live theater, and destination shopping combine for a lively and animated ambiance.
This sought-after environment is at the heart of a community with its roots in the citrus boom that made early California the nation’s premier destination. Yet, far-sighted planning means the community is poised to blossom in the new atmosphere of environmental consciousness that is guiding California into the future. The walkable Downtown offers smart growth development opportunities for increased densities with a transit-oriented emphasis adjacent to Covina’s Metrolink station.
For prime community development opportunities, contact Brian K. Lee, Director of Community Development, at Planning@covinaca.gov
Covina Development Updates
The City is embarking on a rezoning project to align the RD Multifamily zoning districts with the
Medium Density Residential and High-Density Residential land use designations of the 2000
General Plan. This rezoning will not affect the current use of any of the properties identified. For
further information, click here.