Water Division

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The City of Covina seal.

Water Division

Water Supply

Where Does Covina's Water Come From?

Covina’s water supply comes primarily from the Covina Irrigating Company, which treats surface water from the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin and from the San Gabriel River. When necessary, surface water is imported from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which comes from the Colorado River and Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers in Northern California. Drinking water is disinfected before it is delivered to homes and businesses, using chlorine, chloramines, ultraviolet light, or ozone.

The City of Covina strives to provide its residents and businesses with the highest quality water and the most reliable service.

Urban Water Management Plan

Southern California's Water Story

Californians have been through a lot in the past few years when it comes to water. From droughts to floods, California has seen it all in recent years. Protecting Every Source: Southern California’s Water Story is a new animated video that takes a look at how Southern California has been working hard to protect every source of water – from the ocean to the mountains.

Learn more about where the region’s water comes from and how it gets to your tap. Explore the ways in which Southern California’s water agencies are innovating the region’s water systems to adapt and meet the needs of the state’s changing climate. Watch the video here: Protecting Every Source: Southern California’s Water Story (3:56).

Water Quality

Drinking water is tested regularly to ensure its safety. Each year, the City of Covina is required to publish a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which provides an overview of water quality and testing results from the previous calendar year. The CCR explains where Covina’s drinking water comes from, and how Covina’s water quality compares with regulatory standards.

2021 Consumer Confidence Report

Water Billing and Service

The City of Covina provides water service to a population of 33,300 persons through approximately 8,500 service connections. The City maintains approximately 102 miles of water mains, 1,000 fire hydrants, and nine reservoirs with a total capacity of 20 million gallons.

How to Contact Us
For water billing or water service questions, please contact the Finance Division at 626-384-5230 or water@covinaca.gov.

Water Bill Payment Options

Pay by phone:      855-230-7396
Pay online:           https://www.eonlinebill.com/bapp/covina/indexl
Pay by mail:         City of Covina
                               Finance Division
                               125 East College Street
                               Covina, CA 91723
Pay in person:      City Hall Cashier Window
                                125 East College Street
                                Covina, CA 91723
                                Monday to Thursday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Drop box:               A secure drop box is located in front of City Hall, on College Street

Water Rates

Customer charges are based on both fixed costs (the cost of delivering the water) and consumption costs (charges for the amount of water used during the billing month).

Schedule of rates

Request to Start/Stop Service

To start or stop water service, please complete and submit the appropriate application. For assistance, please contact the Finance Division at 626-384-5230 or water@covinaca.gov.

Application to start water service
Application to stop water service

Financial Assistance Program for Low-Income Customers

The City of Covina has a voter-approved Utility Users Tax of 6% that is applied to all water, electricity, gas, telephone, and cable television bills.

Income qualified residents may receive an exemption from the Utility Users Tax. An application and supporting documents must be submitted to the City. For more information, refer to the Application and Guidelines.

UUT Exemption – Application and Guidelines 2022-2023

Water Shut-Off Protection Act, SB 998

SB 998, the Water Shut-Off Protection Act, requires water companies to follow specific notification procedures before discontinuing residential water service for non-payment, and offer special considerations for low-income customers.

Water Policy – Discontinuance and Restoration of Water Service
Water Policy – Disputed Bill Appeal Process

Other Water Purveyors Serving Covina

Not all Covina residents and businesses receive water from the City of Covina. There are four other water purveyors that serve Covina:

Map – Water Purveyors in Covina

Water Use Restrictions

Water conservation practices remain crucial to our local water supply. California droughts have depleted our water reserves and more saving must be done in order to ensure adequate water supply for the future. As a community, let’s make conservation our way of life and strive to use water efficiently in our homes and in our businesses.

Please be advised: The City of Covina has declared a LEVEL 2 Water Supply Shortage, effective 8/4/2022. Mandatory water conservation measures are in effect, and are applicable to all City of Covina water customers.

MANDATORY WATER USE RESTRICTIONS (applicable to City of Covina Water customers):

  • April through October: Watering of lawn, landscape, or other vegetated area using a sprinkler system is limited to Wednesday and Saturday only.
  • November through March: Watering using a sprinkler system is limited to Wednesday only.
  • Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area is prohibited everyday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  • Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape, or other vegetated areas is limited to a maximum of 10 minutes per station per day.
  • Runoff caused by irrigation is prohibited.
  • Washing down paved surfaces (such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios, or alleys) is prohibited.
  • All plumbing system leaks, breaks, and other malfunctions must be repaired within 48 hours of notification by the City, unless other arrangements are made with the City. Whenever possible, problem area should be isolated and turned off in order to eliminate water waste until permanent repair can be made.
  • Operating a water fountain or other decorative water feature that does not use re-circulated water is prohibited.
  • Using water to wash or clean a vehicle is prohibited except by the use of a hand-held bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle.


  • Low-flow drip irrigation systems.
  • Watering the lawn or landscape using a hand-held hose equipped with a shut off nozzle.
  • Watering trees using a hose equipped with a shut off nozzle.
  • Washing a vehicle using a hand-held bucket or a hose equipped with a shut off nozzle.
  • Running irrigation systems for short periods of time for adjustments or repairs.

For more information, contact the Environmental Services Division at (626) 384-5480 or environmental@covinaca.gov.

Reporting Water Waste

Help save water in our community. Water waste should be reported to the Environmental Services Division as soon as possible. Call 626-384-5480 or email environmental@covinaca.gov. Be prepared to report the address, a description of the water waste, and the date and time of the occurrence. Photos are always helpful.

Not a City of Covina Water Customer?

If you are not a City of Covina water customer, contact your water provider to obtain specific information regarding watering restrictions in your service area:

Rebate Programs

Residents and businesses are eligible for rebates on water conserving appliances, landscaping equipment, flow monitors, and turf replacement. Rebates are offered by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Visit www.bewaterwise.com to view available rebate programs.

Rebates are available for the following water conserving items:

  • High Efficiency Toilets
  • High Efficiency Clothes Washers
  • Flow Monitoring Devices
  • Smart Irrigation Controllers
  • Soil Moisture Sensor Systems
  • Rain Barrels and Cisterns
  • Rotating Sprinkler Nozzles
  • Turf Replacement
Landscape Classes

There are a variety of landscape classes to help you save water and meet conservation goals without sacrificing the beauty of your garden. Classes are held virtually, and are free of charge. Visit Upper District to view class details and to register.

Using Your Water Meter to Detect Leaks

Even a small leak can waste a significant amount of water. For example, a leaky faucet that drips at a rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year. That’s the amount of water needed to take more than 180 showers!

There is a feature on your auto-read meter that can help determine if there is a leak in your plumbing. Follow these simple steps:

1. Locate the water meter on the outside of your property, and remove the lid. Remove the black lid on the register so that light reaches the solar cell. If sunlight is not available, use a flashlight.

2. Check the leak icon.

Windstorm Update

The City had activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during the most severe portions of the wind event.  We will continue to monitor conditions and reopen the EOC when needed. The activation of the EOC ensures that City departments and other key service providers are coordinating response efforts to mitigate the impacts of these weather conditions. Locally, strong winds have caused downed trees/debris and power outages in the community. City crews will continue to monitor these conditions and respond to incidents to clear roadways of debris.


The City remains committed to providing essential services and ensuring public safety. Additional resources available to the community include the City’s smart phone service request application (Covina at Your Service), Southern California Edison’s power outage status map (https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status) and LA County Fire Department’s “Ready! Set! Go!” brochure on wildfire preparedness (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/). Additionally, community members may download the smart phone application Watch Duty (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/) to receive updates on local conditions.


For the latest updates, please visit the City’s website, social media accounts or contact us at (626) 384-5400. For the Covina Police Department, please contact us at (626) 331-3391 and for all emergencies, please dial 9 – 1 – 1.

Rise and Shine state of the city of Covina video