Welcome to our New Website

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Take a comprehensive look at what the City of Covina is all about, and follow along as we carry out our mission of providing excellent customer service to our citizens and businesses. It is the highest priority of Covina’s Mayor, City Council, and City Manager to bring the whole Covina community together. We have so many opportunities for you to become part of the Covina family, whether you are a resident, business owner, City partner, or visitor who wants to help make a difference in our sprawling community!


Live in Covina! The City of Covina is just the right balance of family-friendly traditionalism, business-centric professionalism, and nightlife-focused modernization. This unique blend caters to the “live, work, play” ideals that set Covina apart, making it a leading community in the surrounding areas. Find schools, libraries, community activities, programs, and resources in your neighborhood.


Bring your business! The City of Covina is constantly reinventing itself, thanks in large part to its dynamic, varied, and thriving business community. Covina connects the City with companies, large and small, and entrepreneurs to cocreate an environment where innovation flourishes. With a vibrant Downtown and economically diverse culture, Covina offers business owners a place to build, expand and grow, with the help of a strong community of residents, government and other resources.


Join our Community! See what it’s like to be #CovinaStrong. Covina is a rich mix of residents, employees, government officials and business owners from all walks of life. A true melting pot of diverse educational backgrounds, ethnicities, employees, families, homeowners, locals, and transplants. Find activities, programs, and events provided by, or in partnership with the City.


Whatever you need, Covina is sure to have it! So welcome to our new website, and welcome to Covina!

Windstorm Update

The City had activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during the most severe portions of the wind event.  We will continue to monitor conditions and reopen the EOC when needed. The activation of the EOC ensures that City departments and other key service providers are coordinating response efforts to mitigate the impacts of these weather conditions. Locally, strong winds have caused downed trees/debris and power outages in the community. City crews will continue to monitor these conditions and respond to incidents to clear roadways of debris.


The City remains committed to providing essential services and ensuring public safety. Additional resources available to the community include the City’s smart phone service request application (Covina at Your Service), Southern California Edison’s power outage status map (https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status) and LA County Fire Department’s “Ready! Set! Go!” brochure on wildfire preparedness (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/). Additionally, community members may download the smart phone application Watch Duty (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/) to receive updates on local conditions.


For the latest updates, please visit the City’s website, social media accounts or contact us at (626) 384-5400. For the Covina Police Department, please contact us at (626) 331-3391 and for all emergencies, please dial 9 – 1 – 1.

Rise and Shine state of the city of Covina video