Boards & Commissions

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Boards & Commissions

Boards & Commissions

Community Involvement Opportunities

The City of Covina has established Boards and Commissions which consist of citizens who volunteer their time to shape the future of our community by serving in advisory capacities to the Covina City Council.

The City Clerk’s Office accepts applications for Boards and Commissions and presents them to the City Council for review and appointment whenever a vacancy occurs. Applications are kept on file for one year in the City Clerk’s Office.

The Boards and Commissions webpages are currently being updated. Specific information, including descriptions of the scope of each advisory body, duties involved and requirements for members, is contained in Resolution CC 19-27 and revised on 8/16/2022.

To apply, please complete the application and return it to the City Clerk’s Office located at 125 E. College Street Covina, CA 91723.

For additional information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (626) 384-5430 or

Covina Boards

Youth Accountability Board

The Youth Accountability Board Consists of up to ten members who must be dedicated to enriching the community through intervention into the behavior and activities of first-time juvenile offenders who have committed a minor offense. Residency in Covina is not required; residency or workplace in Covina and graduation from the Covina Police Department Citizens’ Academy are highly desirable. Board members are subject to a thorough background investigation and will be required to sign a confidentiality notice pertaining to all juvenile matters heard by the Board. This Board meets as needed, during evening hours, and is overseen by the Police Department.
Members   |  Term Expiration
Kay Manning  |  6/30/2026
Nick Lopez  |  6/30/2026
Saul Martinez  |  6/30/2026
David Hector Montes  |  6/30/2026
Kathy Guarderas  |  6/30/2024
Peter Arredondo  |  6/30/2024
Andrea Naccache  |  6/30/2024
Diana Mullins  |  6/30/2024

Covina Commissions

Finance Advisory Commission

The Finance Advisory Commission consists of up to ten members. Membership is open to local business people, property owners in the City, and the City Treasurer. The commission advises the City Council on finance-related policies and issues, and reviews, evaluates, and monitors the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. The commission meets on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November and other months as needed in the Council Chamber Conference Room at 125 E. College Street, Covina, at 6:00 p.m.
Members   |  Term Expiration
Andrew McIntyre  |  6/30/2026
Kay Manning  |  6/30/2026
Jeanette Flores  |  6/30/2024
Geoff Cobbett  |  6/30/2026
Claudia Casasola  |  6/30/2024
Richard Jett  |  6/30/2024
Lynda Noriega  |  6/30/2024
Salvador Flores-Chatfield  |  6/30/2026
Janet Salmon  |  6/30/2026
Kevin Stapleton  |  6/30/2026

Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five members. Members shall be residents of the City. The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters pertaining to parks, open space, playgrounds, entertainment, and other cultural and recreational activities.

This Commission meets the fourth Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at the Parks & Recreation Department Office, 1250 N. Hollenbeck Avenue, Covina, at 6:30 p.m.

Members   |  Term Expiration
Susan Zermeno  |  6/30/2026
Beverly Williams  |  6/30/2024
Robert Moreno  |  6/30/2026
Denaee Amaya  |  6/30/2024
Cicero Salmon  |  6/30/2026

Traffic and Parking Advisory Commission

The Traffic and Parking Advisory Commission consists of five members. Membership is open to residents in the City of Covina and business wonders within the boundaries of Vehicle Parking District No.1. The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council concerning policies affecting the City’s transportation and parking systems.

This Commission meets on the second Tuesdays in the Council Chamber, 125 E. College Street, at 8:00 a.m.

Members   |  Term Expiration
Kay Manning  |  6/30/2026
Steven Tillman  |  6/30/2026
Jeanette Flores  |  6/30/2024
Nick Lopez  |  6/30/2024
Eloy Florez  |  6/30/2026

Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Covina Redevelopment Agency

In conformance with California State Assembly Bill AB1484, Successor Agencies, after first receiving approval from their Oversight Board, must submit an updated Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) to the State Department of Finance for their review and approval. The ROPS sets forth the enforceable obligations of the Agency.

The City is governed by five city council members who are elected by district to four-year terms. Elections are consolidated with the Los Angeles County Statewide Primary Elections (in even numbered years) to fill alternately two and three seats. The City Council then elects one member to serve as the Mayor for a one-year term and another as the Mayor Pro Tem. To locate which district you are in please click here.

City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 125 E. College St. City Council meetings are also broadcast on local cable television on Spectrum channel 29 and Frontier channel 42.

Covina City Council

The City is governed by five city council members who are elected by district to four-year terms. Elections are consolidated with the Los Angeles County Statewide Primary Elections (in even numbered years) to fill alternately two and three seats. The City Council then elects one member to serve as the Mayor for a one-year term and another as the Mayor Pro Tem. To locate which district you are in please click here.
City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 125 E. College St. City Council meetings are also broadcast on local cable television on Spectrum channel 29 and Frontier channel 42.

John King

To contact Mayor John C. King, please email or call (626) 384-5410 to leave a message.

Mayor Pro Tem
Victor Linares

To contact Mayor Pro Tem Victor Linares, please email or call (626) 384-5410 to leave a message.

Council Member
Walter Allen, III

To contact Council Member Walter Allen III, please email or call (626) 384-5410 to leave a message.

Council Member
Patricia Cortez

To contact Council Member, please email or call (626) 384-5410 to leave a message.

Council Member
Hector Delgado

To contact Council Member Hector Delgado, please email or Call (626) 384-5410 to leave a message.

Library BOARD OF trustees (3-year term; appointed by Mayor with City Council ratification)

Meets 3rd Wednesday, Upstairs Conference Room, Covina Public Library, 234 N. Second Avenue, Covina – 6:30 p.m.

The Library Board of Trustees consists of five members who must be Covina residents; library or education experience is desirable. The main function of the Board is to solicit the views of the community and advise the Director about the policies and operations of the Library. The Board may make and enforce all rules, regulations, and bylaws necessary for the administration, government, and protection of the Library under its management, and all property belonging there to.

MembersTerm Expiration
Deborah Moraza6/30/2025
Denaee Amaya6/30/2026
Diana Mullins6/30/2025
Suzee Della Donna6/30/2025
Thuy Pham6/30/2026


Youth Accountability Board

The Youth Accountability Board consists of up to ten members who must be dedicated to enriching the community through intervention in the behavior and activities of first-time juvenile offenders who have committed a minor offense. Residency in Covina is not required; residence or workplace in Covina and graduation from the Covina Police Department Citizens’ Academy are highly desirable. Board members are subject to a thorough background investigation and must sign a confidentiality notice about all juvenile matters heard by the Board.

This Board meets as needed during evening hours and is overseen by the Police Department.

MembersTerm Expiration
Andrea Khoury6/30/2028
David Hector Montes6/30/2026
Diana Mullins6/30/2028
Kathy Guarderas6/30/2024
Nadine Davila6/30/2026
Nick Lopez6/30/2026
Peter Arredondo6/30/2024
Sarah Giannini6/30/2026
Saul Martinez6/30/2026

Public Financing Authority of the Covina Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District – Agendas & Minutes

Date Time Agenda Agenda Packet
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM

Finance Advisory Commission

The Finance Advisory Commission consists of up to ten members. Membership is open to local business people, property owners, and the City Treasurer. The Commission advises the City Council on finance-related policies and issues and reviews, evaluates, and monitors the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs.

The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, November, and other months as needed in the Council Chamber Conference Room at 125 E. College Street, Covina, at 6:00 p.m.

MembersTerm Expiration
Andrew McIntyre6/30/2026
Claudia Casasola6/30/2028
Geoff Cobbett6/30/2026
Greg Galindo6/30/2028
Janet Salmon6/30/2026
Kevin Stapleton6/30/2026
Lynda Noriega6/30/2028
Salvador Flores-Chatfield6/30/2026
Thomas Nass6/30/2026
City Treasurer, Neil PolzinN/A


Planning Commission 

The Planning Commission of the City of Covina is established by State Government Code 65100 and is organized by Covina Municipal Code Section 2.28.010.

Planning Commission duties include the conduct of hearings relating to variances, conditional-used permits, zoning regulations, review of the General Plan, the conduct of studies, and other duties as required or authorized.

MembersTerm Expiration
Bryan Rodriguez6/30/2026
Dan McMeekin6/30/2026
Jeanette Flores6/30/2028
John Connors6/30/2026
Rosie Richardson6/30/2028
Planning Commission Regular Meetings

Meetings take place on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 PM within the Council Chambers of City Hall, unless otherwise noted on the Agenda. Agendas are posted on the City Website and the public display board located outside of City Hall on College Street the Thursday before the meeting date.

Ways to Participate or View

Residents or interested persons may attend in person at the time of the meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in a meeting, please notify the City Clerk’s office at 626.384.5430 or Notification of at least 48 hours enables the City to make reasonable arrangements for accessibility to the meetings. Interested persons may also view a live recording on Spectrum Channel 29, Frontier Channel 42, or on the City’s Website.

Meeting Cancellations and Adjournment

Meetings may be canceled if there are no items, or, adjourned if there is no quorum (at least three commissioners must be present, or a meeting cannot be held). In these cases, a “notice of cancellation” (Thursday Before the meeting) or a “Notice of Adjournment” (within 24 hours after the regular scheduled date) will be posted online, at the Council Chambers entrance, and on the City’s public display board.

Notification List

Submit a request to to be added to the notification list. In your request, please specify whether you would like to be notified of all agendas, or specific topics. Notifications are released the same day as the agenda packet.

Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five members. Members shall be residents of the City. The Commission is advisory to the City Council regarding parks, open spaces, playgrounds, entertainment, and other cultural and recreational activities.

This Commission meets the fourth Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at the Parks & Recreation Department Office, 1250 N. Hollenbeck Avenue, Covina, at 6:30 p.m.

MembersTerm Expiration
Beverly Williams6/30/2024
Cicero Salmon6/30/2026
Denaee Amaya6/30/2028
Robert Moreno6/30/2026
Susan Zermeno6/30/2026

Transportation & Mobility Advisory Commission

The Transportation & Mobility Advisory Commission consists of five members. Membership is open to residents in the City of Covina and business owners within the boundaries of Vehicle Parking District No. 1. The Commission is advisory to the City Council concerning policies affecting the City’s transportation and parking systems.

This Commission meets second Tuesdays in the Council Chamber, 125 E. College Street, Covina, at 5:00 p.m.

MembersTerm Expiration
Bryan Ochoa6/30/2026
Eloy Florez6/30/2026
M’Lee Munoz6/30/2028
Nick Lopez6/30/2028
Steven Tillman6/30/2026

The City is governed by five city council members who are elected by district to four-year terms. Elections are consolidated with the Los Angeles County Statewide Primary Elections (in even-numbered years) to fill alternately two and three seats. The City Council then elects one member to serve as the Mayor for a one-year term and another as the Mayor Pro Tem. To locate which district you are in please click here.

City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 125 E. College St. City Council meetings are also broadcast on local cable television on Spectrum channel 29 and Frontier channel 42.

Rise and Shine state of the city of Covina video