Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement Division of the City of Covina works to Maintain and improve the quality of life through education and communication within residential, commercial, and industrial areas of our City.
125 E College St.
Covina, CA 91723
Community Development & Public Works Lobby is accessible through the east entrance or through the east side of the north courtyard at City Hall.
Contact Us
(626) 384-5470
Covina City hall is open Monday to Thursday from
7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Our Code Enforcement Team is
regularly in the field on inspections. Call to schedule
an appointment to ensure assistance at the counter.
Complaints that are not handled by Code Enforcement are listed below:
- Animal related complaints (Inland Valley Humane Society – Animal Control)
- Bee Hives or Bee Infestations on Public Property (Public Works Department)
- Shopping Cart Retrieval (Public Works)
- Criminal Activity (Police Department)
- Drug Related Activities (Police Department)
- After Hours Noise Complaints, Fireworks (Police Department)
- Street Lights (Public Works Department)
- Graffiti in Public Areas (Public Works Department)
- Homeless Encampments and Activities (Police Department)
- Home Owners Association (HOA) CC&R’s (Handled by Local HOA)
- Location of Property Lines (Civil Dispute)
- Tree roots causing damage to private property fence or structure (Civil Dispute)
- Trees on Electrical Power Lines (Southern California Edison (SCE)
- Branches Overhanging onto Private Property (Civil Dispute)
If you have any questions please contact the Code Enforcement Division by calling (626) 384-5470. Please be advised that Code Enforcement Officers are out in the field for most of the day. Please leave a detailed message when you call so that an Officer can respond to your complaint or inquiry.
Supporting Documents

Tap right into your city and report the issue fast with the Covina at your Service! You can now report potholes, traffic signal issues, graffiti, and Code Violations from your smartphone device!
Scan the QR Code to download the Covina at Your Service app on Google Play, the App Store, or Android Market
Other ways to file a complaint:
Contact the Code Enforcement Division by Phone or Email, or Drop off a Complaint Form to Code Enforcement at City Hall. Hard copies are also available at the front counter to complete in person
Courtesy Notice
A Courtesy Notice is the initial notification of a violation. The Code enforcement Officers issue Courtesy Notices by responding to a complaint or being a witness to the violation(s).
A Courtesy Notice
- Indicates the violation(s)
- Indicates what needs to be done to remediate the violation(s)
- Indicated the date the violation(s) needs to be voluntarily complied by.
- The Code Officer will note the date, voluntary compliance may be between 3 and 30 days.
- The number of days to voluntarily comply is determined by the severity of the violation(s), and the Enforcement Officer’s reasonable judgment.
Administrative Citation | Issued If/when | Days to Abate |
First Administrative Citation – $100.00 (per Violation) | The violation(s) have not been abated by the date noted on the Courtesy Notice. | 10 Days from the date of the First Citation |
Second Administrative Citation – $200.00 | The violation(s) have not been abated by the date noted on the First Administrative Citation | 10 Days from the date of the Second Citation |
Third Administrative Citation – $500 (per Violation) | The violation(s) have not been abated by the date noted on the Second Administrative Citation | 10 Days from the date of the Third Citation |
Administrative Citations
Administrative Citations are sent by first-class mail to the Property Owner. More detailed information on Administrative Citations can be found in the Covina Municipal Code.
Citations are issued if the violation(s) have not been abated by the date noted on the Courtesy Notice.
Paying for your Citation
All Code Enforcement Citations must be paid online at the Citation Processing Center , any questions regarding the citation processing center may be found on their Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you cannot locate your citation on the website and need additional assistance, please contact the Citation Processing Center’s Customer Service line at (800)989-2058
In September 2018, Senate Bill 946 was signed into law by the Governor, modifying the authority of cities to regulate sidewalk street food vendors. Under this law, local agencies may adopt local regulations to objectively ensure the public’s health and safety, so long as the regulations do not prohibit sidewalk vending activities. Per SB 946, in July 2023, the Covina City Council adopted local guidelines that include some of the following:
- Obtain a health permit issued by the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health
- Obtain a California Sellers Permit
- Provide a copy of the vendor’s Insurance policy
- Provide a site plan or diagram of the proposed vending location to ensure appropriate
spacing from traffic intersections, driveways, and special events, and, accessibility on
sidewalks in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Handouts and Forms
2024 Guide to Sidewalk Vending
Insurance Requirements Explained
Sidewalk Vendor Application
Mobile Food Facility Vendor Application
Example Site Plan
Site Plan template
To Apply, submit your Application and all requested information to the Code Enforcement Counter at Covina City Hall. For Questions, please contact Codeenforcement@covinaca.gov or 626-384-5470
Administrative Citation Process
Code Enforcement Administrative Citation Summary
To improve the quality of life for Covina residents and business owners by reducing the number of code violations through the encouragement of expedient compliance; and, to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public by minimizing potentially harmful municipal code violations the City of Covina has adopted Ordinance 04-1900: Community Improvement and Administrative Citations.
Courtesy Notice: Is the initial notification of violations and the process is as follows:The Enforcement Officer discovers a Municipal Code violation(s) either by responding to a complaint or being witness to the violation(s) and may proceed with a Courtesy Notice as follows:
Notification shall indicate the violation(s).
Notification shall indicate what needs to be done to remedy the violation(s).
Notification shall indicate the date the violation(s) needs to be voluntarily complied by.
Enforcement Officer provides the date the violation(s) need to voluntarily comply by.
Voluntary compliance is between 3 and 30 days.
The number of days to voluntarily comply is determined by the severity of the violation(s).
The number of days to voluntarily comply is determined by the Enforcement Officer’s reasonable judgment.
Personally delivered to the Responsible Party, or Sent by first-class mail to the Responsible Party or Posted on the property. No extensions are granted for Courtesy Notices.
Is issued if the violation is not abated by the date set forth in the Courtesy Notice; or if the violation was abated by the date set forth in the Courtesy Notice, but a second violation of the same ordinance is committed within a twelve (12) month period commencing with the date of the Courtesy Notice. First fine: $100.00 and violations must be abated within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the first administrative citation.
The same process applies as in the First Administrative Citation; however, the following changes apply.The first fine shall be reinstated and paid. Second fine is $200.00. The Second Administrative Citation shall clearly indicate “THIRD ATTEMPT TO OBTAIN COMPLIANCE.” Notification to the party that should the violation not be abated an additional fine will apply in the amount of $500.00.
The same process applies as in the First Administrative Citation; however, the following changes apply.The second fine shall be reinstated and paid.Third fine is $500.00. The Third Administrative Citation shall clearly indicate: “FOURTH ATTEMPT TO OBTAIN COMPLIANCE – FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN FURTHER FINES OR PUBLIC NUISANCE PROCEEDINGS AND OTHER ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS – ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PUBLIC NUISANCE PROCEEDINGS MAY BE LIENED AGAINST THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IF NOT PAID BY THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY.”
Citation Processing
Admin Cite – https://www.citationprocessingcenter.com/CitationSearch.aspx
FAQ for website – https://www.citationprocessingcenter.com/citizen-faq.aspx
If you cannot locate your citation on the website and need additional information or are experiencing difficulties accessing the website, please call Citation Processing Center’s Customer Service at (800)989-2058.
No, but it helps in the event that we need to contact you to clarify an address or ask questions pertaining to the complaint. If you choose to leave your name and number, it is kept confidential and can only be released through a court subpoena.
Contact the respective Division as noted on your notice or citation to obtain fee for permits and reviews.
Report Abandoned Property
Poor maintenance of residential properties has a negative affect on property values and quality of life. Residents are encouraged to report the addresses of suspected vacant and/or abandoned properties by calling (626) 384-5470 or e-mail to ce@covinaca.gov.
Report a Property Maintenance Issue
Members of the community are asked to help report property maintenance issues that may affect the health, safety, and aesthetics of Covina. These reports are confidential.
Before making a report, please ascertain the address of the property. Property with street addresses above 2999 are not within the City of Covina’s jurisdiction. These are located in unincorporated areas ofLos Angeles County.
When reporting a problem, please provide as much information as possible.
Email Code Enforcement at codeenforcement@covinaca.gov to report a problem.
Shopping Cart Retrieval
Currently shopping and laundry carts are being removed from stores and are being discarded on public right-of-ways and private property. Not only are abandoned carts unsightly to our community, they pose a safety hazard when blocking pedestrian or emergency vehicle access. In maintaining the harmony and aesthetic continuity for the residents within the City of Covina, the City has adopted a Shopping Cart Containment and Retrieval by Owners ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is to set forth regulations where owners and operators of businesses are responsible for the care and control of their shopping carts through a Cart Containment Plan or a Cart Retrieval Plan. Retailers who provide six (6) or more shopping carts for their patrons use are required to participate in either a Cart Containment Plan or Cart Retrieval Plan.
Retrieval of abandoned shopping carts is the responsibility of the merchant. The City of Covina does not retrieve shopping carts. Most merchants subscribe to a service.
To report an abandoned shopping cart, please call Public Works at 626-384-5220.