Special Projects

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The City of Covina seal.

Special Projects

Per California State Law, effective February 1, 2012, Redevelopment Agencies across California are dissolved.

On December 29, 2011, in California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, et al, Case No. S194861, the California Supreme Court upheld AB X1 26, and invalidated AB X1 27, and extended all statutory deadlines under AB X1 26, dissolving all redevelopment agencies throuthout the State effective February 1, 2012. On February 11, 2012, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34173, by Resolution No 12-7041 the City of Covina elected to become the “successor agency” to the former Covina Redevelopment Agency. Upon dissolution of the Covina Redevelopment Agency on February 1, 2012, pursuant to Part 1.85 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, and except as provided under the CRL, the City of Covina assumed all authority, rights, powers, duties and obligations previously vested with the former Agency by Resolution 12-7041. AB X1 26 was amended through AB 1484, approved on June 27, 2012.

The City of Covina is the Successor entity to the Covina Redevelopment Agency.


Per California State Law, effective February 1, 2012, Redevelopment Agencies across California are dissolved. Please see documents below

Housing Successor

The Covina Housing Authority is the Housing Successor to the Covina Redevelopment Agency. In accordance with the provisions of AB 987, a worksheet describing existing new and substantially rehabilitated housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review. Please see the file linked below.

AB 987 Affordable Housing Database, a Public Database of Affordable Units and Enforceability

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing.

To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment sites directly. Click the link below for the database

SB 341 Compliance Report

On January 1, 2014, Senate Bill 341 (SB 341) became effective, requiring each housing successor agency that assumed the housing functions of a former redevelopment agency to post a report on its website containing information regarding the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Assets Fund (Fund) of the former redevelopment agency for the previous fiscal year.

Click the links below for the reports

Per California State Law, effective February 1, 2012, Redevelopment Agencies across California are dissolved.

On December 29, 2011, in California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, et al, Case No. S194861, the California Supreme Court upheld AB X1 26, and invalidated AB X1 27, and extended all statutory deadlines under AB X1 26, dissolving all redevelopment agencies throuthout the State effective February 1, 2012. On February 11, 2012, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34173, by Resolution No 12-7041 the City of Covina elected to become the “successor agency” to the former Covina Redevelopment Agency. Upon dissolution of the Covina Redevelopment Agency on February 1, 2012, pursuant to Part 1.85 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, and except as provided under the CRL, the City of Covina assumed all authority, rights, powers, duties and obligations previously vested with the former Agency by Resolution 12-7041. AB X1 26 was amended through AB 1484, approved on June 27, 2012.

The City of Covina is the Successor entity to the Covina Redevelopment Agency.


Per California State Law, effective February 1, 2012, Redevelopment Agencies across California are dissolved. Please see documents below

Housing Successor

The Covina Housing Authority is the Housing Successor to the Covina Redevelopment Agency. In accordance with the provisions of AB 987, a worksheet describing existing new and substantially rehabilitated housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review. Please see the file linked below.

AB 987 Affordable Housing Database, a Public Database of Affordable Units and Enforceability

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing.

To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment sites directly. Click the link below for the database

SB 341 Compliance Report

On January 1, 2014, Senate Bill 341 (SB 341) became effective, requiring each housing successor agency that assumed the housing functions of a former redevelopment agency to post a report on its website containing information regarding the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Assets Fund (Fund) of the former redevelopment agency for the previous fiscal year.

Click the links below for the reports

City of Covina Community Development Block Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Major Functions

The Housing and Grants Division of the Community Development Department distributes and monitors programs funded by Federal Community Development Block Grant funds. Funding is distributed to the City through the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA). Some of these programs receive additional funding from the City of Covina General Fund. The services provided by this division are for the benefit of low- to moderate-income persons and special federally-designated groups, such as the illiterate, the elderly, and the severely disabled. Funds may also be spent to alleviate slum and blight conditions.

Additional Information

Any public service agency or group which is interested in requesting Community Development Block Grant funding may request an application in October for funding for the following fiscal year, which will start on July 1.

Funding Application Is Available Below 

Please call Alice Leung at (626) 384-5509 or Alana Spector at (626) 384-5443 for more information. 

City of Covina Community Development Block Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Major Functions

The Housing and Grants Division of the Community Development Department distributes and monitors programs funded by Federal Community Development Block Grant funds. Funding is distributed to the City through the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA). Some of these programs receive additional funding from the City of Covina General Fund. The services provided by this division are for the benefit of low- to moderate-income persons and special federally-designated groups, such as the illiterate, the elderly, and the severely disabled. Funds may also be spent to alleviate slum and blight conditions.

Additional Information

Any public service agency or group which is interested in requesting Community Development Block Grant funding may request an application in October for funding for the following fiscal year, which will start on July 1.

Funding Application Is Available Below 

Please call Alice Leung at (626) 384-5509 or Alana Spector at (626) 384-5443 for more information. 

Contact Information

Covina City Hall125 E. College Street Covina, CA 91722
(626) 384-5509 or (626) 384-5443
Please call Alice Leung at (626) 384-5509 or Alana Spector at (626) 384-5443 for more information. 

Affordable Housing

Please note, the City of Covina & the Covina Housing Authority do not operate any voucher, housing matching, landlord-tenant services, or other housing programs. We are only able to provide information about programs we are made aware of that are offered by outside agencies.
The Housing Authority was created to oversee the housing activities of the former Covina Redevelopment Agency.

ABx1 26 was enacted in late June 2011 effectively dissolving all California Redevelopment Agencies as well as terminating the source of the related twenty percent set-aside funding which was used to assist City housing programs. The Covina Housing Authority assumed the housing functions and assets of the dissolved Covina Redevelopment Agency. With the dissolution of the Covina Redevelopment Agency, there is no longer funding for new housing related activities.

The Affordable Housing List is a list that has been compiled by staff over the years as a courtesy for those seeking affordable housing. The City and Housing Authority do not own, operate, or manage the list. If you are interested in any of the listed properties, contact them directly to obtain more information. See the link below for the Affordable Housing List for senior and family housing in Covina and surrounding cities.

Supporting Documents
AB 987 Affordable Housing Database

A Public Database of Affordable Units and Enforceability
In accordance with the provisions of AB 987, a worksheet describing existing new and substantially rehabilitated housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review. Please see the file linked below.

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.

Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing. To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment sites directly

Supporting Documents

This is a federally-funded program using Community Development Block Grant funds. For owner-occupied homes and owner-occupied mobile homes. Program eligibility is based on income.

Complete and return the preliminary application form below to get on the list. There is currently a 2 – 36 year wait list for this program..

Households must qualify by income, earning no more than 80% of median income. Gross Household income cannot exceed the following:

Household Size 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person
Weatherization and Utility Assistance Program

Long Beach Community Action Partnership
(888) 351-4061 (utility assistance requests)
(562) 216-4600 office

Assists with utility payment (electricity or gas)
Weatherization services, which may include
Attic insulation
Low-flow shower heads
And more

Supporting Documents

Avoid Foreclosure!  For guidance on default and foreclosure prevention, see:


For housing education and information, see:


For a listing of agencies which address mortgate-related questions, see:


The California Department of Business Oversight (DBO) provides information and resources regarding homeownership and the home-buying process, loan modification, foreclosure prevention, mortgage fraud, and mortgage-related scams.


Contact CalHFA:  1-877-9-CalFHA

Los Angeles County Programs

The City of Covina does not finance a First Time Homebuyers Program.  Covina participates with Los Angeles County to provide access to First Time Homebuyer Programs.  Programs offered:

  • The Home Ownership Program (HOP) – Call Am Vuong at (626) 586-1839
  • The Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (MCC) –  Call Am Vuong at (626) 586-1839
  • The Southern California Home Financing Authority (SCHFA) at (626) 586-1830

The programs are offered through participating lenders.  Limited funds are available.  To find out more information, access the County website at www.lacdc.org.

State of California Programs

Cal HFA offers a variety of programs to help you purchase a home in California.

See http://www.calhfa.ca.gov/homebuyer/programs/.

Affordable Housing

Please note, the City of Covina & the Covina Housing Authority do not operate any voucher, housing matching, landlord-tenant services, or other housing programs. We are only able to provide information about programs we are made aware of that are offered by outside agencies.
The Housing Authority was created to oversee the housing activities of the former Covina Redevelopment Agency.

ABx1 26 was enacted in late June 2011 effectively dissolving all California Redevelopment Agencies as well as terminating the source of the related twenty percent set-aside funding which was used to assist City housing programs. The Covina Housing Authority assumed the housing functions and assets of the dissolved Covina Redevelopment Agency. With the dissolution of the Covina Redevelopment Agency, there is no longer funding for new housing related activities.

The Affordable Housing List is a list that has been compiled by staff over the years as a courtesy for those seeking affordable housing. The City and Housing Authority do not own, operate, or manage the list. If you are interested in any of the listed properties, contact them directly to obtain more information. See the link below for the Affordable Housing List for senior and family housing in Covina and surrounding cities.

Supporting Documents
AB 987 Affordable Housing Database

A Public Database of Affordable Units and Enforceability
In accordance with the provisions of AB 987, a worksheet describing existing new and substantially rehabilitated housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review. Please see the file linked below.

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.

Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing. To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment sites directly

Supporting Documents

This is a federally-funded program using Community Development Block Grant funds. For owner-occupied homes and owner-occupied mobile homes. Program eligibility is based on income.

Complete and return the preliminary application form below to get on the list. There is currently a 2 – 36 year wait list for this program..

Households must qualify by income, earning no more than 80% of median income. Gross Household income cannot exceed the following:

Household Size 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person
Weatherization and Utility Assistance Program

Long Beach Community Action Partnership
(888) 351-4061 (utility assistance requests)
(562) 216-4600 office

Assists with utility payment (electricity or gas)
Weatherization services, which may include
Attic insulation
Low-flow shower heads
And more

Supporting Documents

Avoid Foreclosure!  For guidance on default and foreclosure prevention, see:


For housing education and information, see:


For a listing of agencies which address mortgate-related questions, see:


The California Department of Business Oversight (DBO) provides information and resources regarding homeownership and the home-buying process, loan modification, foreclosure prevention, mortgage fraud, and mortgage-related scams.


Contact CalHFA:  1-877-9-CalFHA

Los Angeles County Programs

The City of Covina does not finance a First Time Homebuyers Program.  Covina participates with Los Angeles County to provide access to First Time Homebuyer Programs.  Programs offered:

  • The Home Ownership Program (HOP) – Call Am Vuong at (626) 586-1839
  • The Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (MCC) –  Call Am Vuong at (626) 586-1839
  • The Southern California Home Financing Authority (SCHFA) at (626) 586-1830

The programs are offered through participating lenders.  Limited funds are available.  To find out more information, access the County website at www.lacdc.org.

State of California Programs

Cal HFA offers a variety of programs to help you purchase a home in California.

See http://www.calhfa.ca.gov/homebuyer/programs/.



The City of Covina does not offer landlord-tenant services and refers residents to related State and County resources for these services. If you have questions regarding your rights as a tenant, please use the California Renters’ and Landlords’ Rights Booklet below. The legal clinics listed below are also available to assist. Topics include tenant rights, rent increase questions, and eviction prevention. The City of Covina does not have a citywide rent cap. Rent increases are governed by applicable State and County laws.

RENTERS’ AND LANDLORDS’ RIGHTS BOOKLET: “California Tenants” download from web (on California Department of Consumer Affairs web page)

English PDF: https: //landlordtenant.dre.ca.gov/pdf/resources/CaliforniaTenantRenterGuide.pdf

Spanish PDF:  https://landlordtenant.dre.ca.gov/pdf/resources/CaliforniaTenantRenterGuide_Spanish.pdf 

AB 987 Affordable Housing Database

A Public Database of Affordable Units and Enforceability
In accordance with the provisions of AB 987, a worksheet describing existing new and substantially rehabilitated housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review. Please see the file linked below.

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.

Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing. To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment sites directly 

Supporting Documents
Resources For Eviction For Nonpayment of Rent


This booklet (download from web) contains general information for tenants who lost or are about to lose their homes due to loss of income.

Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services (IMCES)

Los Angeles Location
3580 Wilshire Blvd,
Suite 2000, 20th floor
Los Angeles, CA  90010
(213) 381-1250
Glendale location
121 W. Lexington Drive, Suite 300
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 240-4311

Provides legal assistance including eviction services, immigration services, family protection from domestic or other forms of violence, child support orders, custody and visitation.  Available to  low-income individuals and families who are residents of Supervisorial District 5. 

Southern California Housing Rights Center

Pasadena Office
Jackie Robertson Center
1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 791-0211

Conducts housing discrimination complaint investigations and provides free landlord/tenant counseling Website has Frequently Asked Questions regarding landlord/tenant issues 

Neighborhood Legal Services

3929 Santa Anita Avenue
El Monte, CA  91731

For Covina residents Offers free legal representation and advice related to family law, housing, health care, employment, etc.
Local Self-Help Offices (see more on their website)

Pomona Courthouse:
400 Civic Center Plaza, 7th Floor, Pomona
(909) 620-3150
Hours M-Th 8:30 am – noon and 1:30 pm -4:30 pm; Fri 8:30 am – noon

Pasadena Courthouse:
300 E Walnut St. 34d Floor Room 300,
(626) 356-5030
Hours: M-Th 8:00 am -4:00 pm   Fri 8:00 am -noon 

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles

M-F 9:00 am – 12:00 pm


For Covina residents. Helps with domestic violence or immigration questions and deportation issues. The self-help legal access centers in Inglewood, Long Beach, Santa Monica and Torrance are available to all. See their website for more information.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233 

Center For Civic Mediation

Main Office: (213) 627-2727

Provides mediation services

Administrative Offices:

1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2700

Los Angeles, CA 90017-2577

Mailing Address:

Los Angeles County Bar Association

P O. Box 55020

Los Angeles, CA 90055-2020

Office Hours: LACBA’s business hours are M-F 8:45 am – 5 pm

IMMIGRATION LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT: (213) 485-0143 mmucha@lacba.org
AIDS LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT: (213) 833-6776 aronoff@lacba.org
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT: (213) 896-6491 srondon@lacba.org
COMPLAINTS ABOUT AN ATTORNEY’S ETHICS: Contact State Bar of California (800) 843-9053 http://www.calbar.ca.gov/



Low-income housing in Covina and the surrounding cities are provided through contracts with the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), covenants under redevelopment law, or through low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects. Senior housing is usually restricted to those who are 62 years of age or older, but some senior housing complexes accept those who are 55 years of age or older. Contact the housing complex to see how they define “senior.”

For a complete list of HUD housing, go to www.hud.gov

For a complete list of LIHTC housing, go to http://lihtc.huduser.org/

See below for a list of low-income senior and family housing in Covina and surrounding cities. Please call each individual apartment complex to determine availability and cost. Most apartments keep a waiting list for the affordable units.


Several senior housing projects which are restricted by age and income are located in Covina.

Senior Housing Apartments
227 N. Citrus Avenue, Covina CA 91723
1 bedroom and studios
(909) 525-6900

Qualifying residents must be 62 or older

Covina Gardens Senior Apartments
200 W. Rowland Street, Covina, CA
1 bedroom
(626) 967-4796 

Qualifying residents must be 55 or older

Village Green Senior Apartments
152 E. Covina Blvd, Covina, CA 91722
1 bedroom and studios
(626) 915-3381

Qualifying residents must be 55 or older


The Section 8 program for the Covina area is provided through the Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles.  For more information, you may contact them at (626) 262-4510 or www.hacola.org

Supporting Documents

AB 987 Affordable Housing Database

A Public Database of Affordable Units and Enforceability

In accordance with the provisions of AB 987, a worksheet describing existing new and substantially rehabilitated housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review.  Please see the file linked below.

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.

Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing. To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment sites directly 

Supporting Documents
Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services (IMCES)

Los Angeles Location:

3580 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2000, 20th floor
Los Angeles, CA  90010
(213) 381-1250

Glendale location:
121 W. Lexington Drive, Suite 300
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 240-4311


Provides legal assistance including eviction services, immigration services, family protection from domestic or other forms of violence, child support orders, custody and visitation.  Available to  low-income individuals and families who are residents of Supervisorial District 5.

Southern California Housing Rights Center

Pasadena Office
Jackie Robertson Center
1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 791-0211


Conducts housing discrimination complaint investigations and provides free landlord/tenant counseling Website has Frequently Asked Questions regarding landlord/tenant issues

Neighborhood Legal Services

3929 Santa Anita Avenue
El Monte, CA  91731


For Covina residents Offers free legal representation and advice related to family law, housing, health care, employment, etc.

<>Local Self-Help Offices (see more on their website)

Pomona Courthouse:
400 Civic Center Plaza,
7th Floor, Pomona
(909) 620-3150
Hours M-Th 8:30 am – noon and 1:30 pm – 4:30om; Fri 8:30 am – noon

Pasadena Courthouse:
300 E Walnut St.
34d Floor Room 300, Pasadena
(626) 356-5030
Hours: M-Th 8:00 am – 4:00 pm  Fri 8:00 am – noon

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles


M-F 9 am – 12 pm


For Covina residents. Helps with domestic violence or immigration questions and deportation issues. The self-help legal access centers in Inglewood, Long Beach, Santa Monica and Torrance are available to all. See their website for more information.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233

Center For Civic Mediation

Main Office:
(213) 627-2727
Provides mediation services

Administrative Offices:
1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2700
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2577

Mailing Address:

Los Angeles County Bar Association
P O. Box 55020
Los Angeles, CA 90055-2020

Office Hours:  LACBA’s business hours are M-F 8:45 am – 5:00 pm


IMMIGRATION LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT(213) 485-0143  mmucha@lacba.org

AIDS LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT(213) 833-6776   aronoff@lacba.org

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT:  (213) 896-6491   srondon@lacba.org


COMPLAINTS ABOUT AN ATTORNEY’S ETHICS: Contact State Bar of California (800) 843-9053  http://www.calbar.ca.gov/


The Homeless Family Solutions System (HFSS) is the entry point for all family services.

To Access Family Services:

  1. Call 211 to reach the Los Angeles County Information and Referral line
  2. Schedule an appointment—request a meeting at one of the “Regional Family Solution Centers”
  3. Complete an assessment at the Family Solution Center

For more information, visit www.unionstationhs.org

Homeless services to individuals are provided through the San Gabriel Valley Coordinated Entry System (CES), the primary point of entry for adults seeking housing and services. Contact or go to one of the CES sites listed below to complete an assessment.

Arcadia Mental Health
330 E. Live Oak Avenue
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 821-5858
Appointments M-F 8:00 am -5:00 pm

Volunteers of America (El Monte Access Center)
4501 Santa Anita Ave
El Monte, CA 91737
(626) 442-4357
M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm

Volunteers of America (Pomona Homeless Outreach Office)
2040 N. Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 593-4796
M-Th 8:30 am – 5 pm; Fri. 7 am – 3:30 pm

Volunteers of America (Pomona Shelter)
600 S. Park Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 593-4796
M-Th 8:30 am – 5 pm; Fri. 7 am – 3:30 pm

Volunteers of America
1760 W. Cameron Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 433-8420
M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm

Foothill Unity Center
415 W. Chestnut Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 358-3486
M-F 9 am – 5 pm

Union Station
412 S. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 240-4550
M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm

Friends In Deed
444 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 797-2402

Women’s Room M-Th 11 am – 4 pm
Homeless Women F 9 am – 12 pm

Youth Coordinated Entry System

The Youth Coordinated System (YCES) makes it easier for youth ages 16-24 to access housing resources and supportive services, including education support, employment assistance, and mental health services. Through YCES, youth who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability can be linked to available resources in Los Angeles County. This includes youth who are couch surfing or are exiting out of foster care or probation and are at risk of homelessness.
For questions about YCES and eligibility requirements, please contact youthreferral@hscfs.org.

1411 N. Grand Ave., Suite 100
Covina, CA 91724
(626) 388-9050
M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Youth Moving On – Drop in Center
456 E. Orange Grove Blvd., Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 765-6010
M/F 9 am – 5 pm; T/TH 11:30 am – 8 pm; W 11:30 am – 5:30 pm

David & Margaret Youth and Family Services
1350 Third Street
La Verne, CA 91750
(909) 596-5921
M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Other Services

East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless in the St. Martin de Porres Center
St. John Vianney Church
1345 Turnbull Canyon Road
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Office phone: 626-333-7204
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 1:30pm

The EAC Staff assists with emergency needs of the homeless and those at risk, including a sack lunch, showers, hygiene kits, bus tokens, gas vouchers, motel vouchers for families and counseling and advocacy for those who need help.

Plan to Address and Combat Homelessness
Supporting Documents
Winter Shelter Information (Dec 1 – March 1)

Through funding by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) the East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless runs the Winter Shelter from December 1 through March 1. See the schedule for bus pick-up points at http://esgvch.org and www.lahsa.org
The Pomona Homeless Winter Shelter at the Pomona Armory at 600 S. Park Avenue, Pomona runs through March 15. For more information about the shelters, go to www.lahsa.org .

24/7 Winter Shelter Hotline for LAHSA: (800) 548-6047

For info line call 2-1-1 or (800) 339-6993

Supporting Documents
Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services (IMCES)

Los Angeles Location:

3580 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2000, 20th floor
Los Angeles, CA  90010
(213) 381-1250

Glendale location:
121 W. Lexington Drive, Suite 300
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 240-4311


Provides legal assistance including eviction services, immigration services, family protection from domestic or other forms of violence, child support orders, custody and visitation.  Available to  low-income individuals and families who are residents of Supervisorial District 5.

Southern California Housing Rights Center

Pasadena Office
Jackie Robertson Center
1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 791-0211


Conducts housing discrimination complaint investigations and provides free landlord/tenant counseling Website has Frequently Asked Questions regarding landlord/tenant issues

Neighborhood Legal Services

3929 Santa Anita Avenue
El Monte, CA  91731


For Covina residents Offers free legal representation and advice related to family law, housing, health care, employment, etc.

Local Self-Help Offices (see more on their website)

Pomona Courthouse:
400 Civic Center Plaza,
7th Floor, Pomona
(909) 620-3150
Hours M-Th 8:30 am – noon and 1:30 pm – 4:30om; Fri 8:30 am – noon

Pasadena Courthouse:
300 E Walnut St.
34d Floor Room 300, Pasadena
(626) 356-5030
Hours: M-Th 8:00 am – 4:00 pm  Fri 8:00 am – noon

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles


M-F 9 am – 12 pm


For Covina residents. Helps with domestic violence or immigration questions and deportation issues. The self-help legal access centers in Inglewood, Long Beach, Santa Monica and Torrance are available to all. See their website for more information.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233

Center For Civic Mediation

Main Office:
(213) 627-2727
Provides mediation services

Administrative Offices:
1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2700
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2577

Mailing Address:

Los Angeles County Bar Association
P O. Box 55020
Los Angeles, CA 90055-2020

Office Hours:  LACBA’s business hours are M-F 8:45 am – 5:00 pm


IMMIGRATION LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT(213) 485-0143  mmucha@lacba.org

AIDS LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT(213) 833-6776   aronoff@lacba.org

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT:  (213) 896-6491   srondon@lacba.org


COMPLAINTS ABOUT AN ATTORNEY’S ETHICS: Contact State Bar of California (800) 843-9053  http://www.calbar.ca.gov/

Clothing Resource Center

Project 29:11 Food Bank and Economic Relief Center

418 N. Second Avenue, Covina, CA 91723

For questions, please contact Maureen Hinds at 818-517-6584


Food Bank: Fridays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County. Participants must provide proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill.

FOOD Assistance

Foothill Community Church
777 E. Alosta Ave., Azusa, CA 91702

Clothing Distribution: Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Community Meal: Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Shepherds Pantry


657 E. Arrow Hwy, Suite J,
Glendora, CA 91740
(626) 852-7630

Food/Clothing Distribution and Haircut: Wednesday & Thursday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Food Delivery on Wednesdays 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  /  Call: (626)852-7801

Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County.  On first visit, bring proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill.

Action Food Pantry

Grace Lutheran Church
17880 East Covina Blvd,
Covina, CA 91722

Food/Clothing Distribution: Mondays 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Participants must provide ID and recent mail with address required.

Help for the Disabled


Service Center for Independent Life is located at 107 S. Spring Street, Claremont, CA 91722.  See the list of services offered at http://scil-ilc.org/.
Telephone (909) 621-6722
Hours:  M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm


The Department of Public Services’ (DPSS) Veterans and U.S. Military Resources webpage provides information on benefits, services and resources at a local community level throughout Los Angeles County to assist those who have been in the U.S. military services, veterans and their families connect with needed services.

On the DPSS homepage at http://dpss.lacounty.gov, go to the “Program Highlights” box then just click on “Veterans and U.S. Military Resources” located under “Community Services to access information on

  • Health
  • Housing
  • Legal
  • Education and Training
  • Employment
  • Other Services and Resources

For more information, visit http://dpss.lacounty.gov or contact

Bureau of Program & Policy/CalWORKs Section, DPSS, County of Los Angeles, 12820 Crossroads Parkway South, City of Industry, CA  91746 or call 1-(800)-827-1000.


HUD-VASH is a joint effort program between the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Veteran Affairs to move veterans and their families out of homelessness and into permanent housing by combining housing choice vouches assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs


  • Must be chronically homeless
  • Must be eligible for VA Healthcare Services
  • Must have an honorable or General Discharge from any ranch of service
  • Additional criteria as described in the program.

240 N. Breed Street
Los Angeles, CA  90033
(323) 580-0616

Find additional information about VOA programs at voala.org or (213) 380-1500 


Battle Buddy is a program through Volunteers of America to provide peer support specialists connecting fellow veterans to the resources they need.

The program provides linkage to:

  • Veteran friendly employers
  • Financial assistance with work related expenses such as uniforms
  • VA healthcare coverage and compensation
  • Service discharge status upgrades
  • Money to help pay rent and moving costs
  • Furniture and appliances

For more information, call

(323) 872-0271 or e-mailbattlebuddybridge@voala.org

Food Banks and Clothing

County Services – 2-1-1


Friends In Deed

444 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 797-2402

Food bank: Tuesday/Wednesday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. & Thursdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Action Food Pantry

Grace Lutheran Church 17880 East Covina Blvd, Covina, CA 91722 (626) 319-0554 Food distribution: Thursdays 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. Participants must provide ID and recent mail with address required. Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.

Shepherds Pantry

https://www.loc8nearme.com/california/glendora/shepherds-pantry/5368860/ Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County. On first visit, bring proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill. Glendora Location:657 E. Arrow Hwy, Suite J., Glendora, CA 91740 (626) 852-7630 Food/Clothing Distribution and Haircut: Wednesday/Thursday 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Food Delivery on Wednesdays 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Call (626) 852-7801 Irwindale Location: 1418 Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA 91706 (626) 305-0392 Weekly Food Distribution: Tuesday 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Homeless Food Distributions: Wed/Thurs/Fri 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Baldwin Park Location:13020 Francisquito Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 671-0090 Food Distribution: Fridays 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Project 29:11 Food Bank and Economic Relief Center

418 N. Second Ave., Covina, CA 91723 (626) 634-5319<http://www.project2911.net/economic-relief-center.html Food Bank: Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County. Participants must provide proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill.

FOOD Assistance

Foothill Community Church 777 E. Alosta Ave, Azusa, CA 91702 Clothing Distribution: Saturday 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Community Meal: Saturday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

San Gabriel YWCA

Intervale Senior Services (Meals on Wheels) Hot meal for a fee or frozen meals delivered to home ($3 suggested donation) Call (626) 214-9465 for more information

Elim Community Pantry

550 S. Hollenbeck Ave., Covina, Ca 91723 (626) 915-5300www.elimpantry.orgFood Distribution: Saturdays 7 a.m. – 9 a.m.


The Homeless Family Solutions System (HFSS) is the entry point for all family services.

To Access Family Services:

  1. Call 211 to reach the Los Angeles County Information and Referral line
  2. Schedule an appointment—request a meeting at one of the “Regional Family Solution Centers”
  3. Complete an assessment at the Family Solution Center

For more information, visit www.unionstationhs.org

Homeless services to individuals are provided through the San Gabriel Valley Coordinated Entry System (CES), the primary point of entry for adults seeking housing and services. Contact or go to one of the CES sites listed below to complete an assessment.

Arcadia Mental Health
330 E. Live Oak Avenue
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 821-5858
Appointments M-F 8:00 am -5:00 pm

Volunteers of America (El Monte Access Center)
4501 Santa Anita Ave
El Monte, CA 91737
(626) 442-4357
M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm

Volunteers of America (Pomona Homeless Outreach Office)
2040 N. Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 593-4796
M-Th 8:30 am – 5 pm; Fri. 7 am – 3:30 pm

Volunteers of America (Pomona Shelter)
600 S. Park Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 593-4796
M-Th 8:30 am – 5 pm; Fri. 7 am – 3:30 pm

Volunteers of America
1760 W. Cameron Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 433-8420
M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm

Foothill Unity Center
415 W. Chestnut Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 358-3486
M-F 9 am – 5 pm

Union Station
412 S. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 240-4550
M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm

Friends In Deed
444 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 797-2402

Women’s Room M-Th 11 am – 4 pm
Homeless Women F 9 am – 12 pm

Youth Coordinated Entry System

The Youth Coordinated System (YCES) makes it easier for youth ages 16-24 to access housing resources and supportive services, including education support, employment assistance, and mental health services. Through YCES, youth who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability can be linked to available resources in Los Angeles County. This includes youth who are couch surfing or are exiting out of foster care or probation and are at risk of homelessness.
For questions about YCES and eligibility requirements, please contact youthreferral@hscfs.org.

1411 N. Grand Ave., Suite 100
Covina, CA 91724
(626) 388-9050
M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Youth Moving On – Drop in Center
456 E. Orange Grove Blvd., Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 765-6010
M/F 9 am – 5 pm; T/TH 11:30 am – 8 pm; W 11:30 am – 5:30 pm

David & Margaret Youth and Family Services
1350 Third Street
La Verne, CA 91750
(909) 596-5921
M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Other Services

East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless in the St. Martin de Porres Center
St. John Vianney Church
1345 Turnbull Canyon Road
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Office phone: 626-333-7204
Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 1:30pm

The EAC Staff assists with emergency needs of the homeless and those at risk, including a sack lunch, showers, hygiene kits, bus tokens, gas vouchers, motel vouchers for families and counseling and advocacy for those who need help.

Plan to Address and Combat Homelessness
Supporting Documents
Winter Shelter Information (Dec 1 – March 1)

Through funding by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) the East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless runs the Winter Shelter from December 1 through March 1. See the schedule for bus pick-up points at http://esgvch.org and www.lahsa.org
The Pomona Homeless Winter Shelter at the Pomona Armory at 600 S. Park Avenue, Pomona runs through March 15. For more information about the shelters, go to www.lahsa.org .

24/7 Winter Shelter Hotline for LAHSA: (800) 548-6047

For info line call 2-1-1 or (800) 339-6993

Supporting Documents
Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services (IMCES)

Los Angeles Location:

3580 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2000, 20th floor
Los Angeles, CA  90010
(213) 381-1250

Glendale location:
121 W. Lexington Drive, Suite 300
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 240-4311


Provides legal assistance including eviction services, immigration services, family protection from domestic or other forms of violence, child support orders, custody and visitation.  Available to  low-income individuals and families who are residents of Supervisorial District 5.

Southern California Housing Rights Center

Pasadena Office
Jackie Robertson Center
1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 791-0211


Conducts housing discrimination complaint investigations and provides free landlord/tenant counseling Website has Frequently Asked Questions regarding landlord/tenant issues

Neighborhood Legal Services

3929 Santa Anita Avenue
El Monte, CA  91731


For Covina residents Offers free legal representation and advice related to family law, housing, health care, employment, etc.

Local Self-Help Offices (see more on their website)

Pomona Courthouse:
400 Civic Center Plaza,
7th Floor, Pomona
(909) 620-3150
Hours M-Th 8:30 am – noon and 1:30 pm – 4:30om; Fri 8:30 am – noon

Pasadena Courthouse:
300 E Walnut St.
34d Floor Room 300, Pasadena
(626) 356-5030
Hours: M-Th 8:00 am – 4:00 pm  Fri 8:00 am – noon

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles


M-F 9 am – 12 pm


For Covina residents. Helps with domestic violence or immigration questions and deportation issues. The self-help legal access centers in Inglewood, Long Beach, Santa Monica and Torrance are available to all. See their website for more information.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233

Center For Civic Mediation

Main Office:
(213) 627-2727
Provides mediation services

Administrative Offices:
1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2700
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2577

Mailing Address:

Los Angeles County Bar Association
P O. Box 55020
Los Angeles, CA 90055-2020

Office Hours:  LACBA’s business hours are M-F 8:45 am – 5:00 pm


IMMIGRATION LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT(213) 485-0143  mmucha@lacba.org

AIDS LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT(213) 833-6776   aronoff@lacba.org

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT:  (213) 896-6491   srondon@lacba.org


COMPLAINTS ABOUT AN ATTORNEY’S ETHICS: Contact State Bar of California (800) 843-9053  http://www.calbar.ca.gov/

Clothing Resource Center

Project 29:11 Food Bank and Economic Relief Center

418 N. Second Avenue, Covina, CA 91723

For questions, please contact Maureen Hinds at 818-517-6584


Food Bank: Fridays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County. Participants must provide proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill.

FOOD Assistance

Foothill Community Church
777 E. Alosta Ave., Azusa, CA 91702

Clothing Distribution: Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Community Meal: Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Shepherds Pantry


657 E. Arrow Hwy, Suite J,
Glendora, CA 91740
(626) 852-7630

Food/Clothing Distribution and Haircut: Wednesday & Thursday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Food Delivery on Wednesdays 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  /  Call: (626)852-7801

Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County.  On first visit, bring proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill.

Action Food Pantry

Grace Lutheran Church
17880 East Covina Blvd,
Covina, CA 91722

Food/Clothing Distribution: Mondays 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Participants must provide ID and recent mail with address required.

Help for the Disabled


Service Center for Independent Life is located at 107 S. Spring Street, Claremont, CA 91722.  See the list of services offered at http://scil-ilc.org/.
Telephone (909) 621-6722
Hours:  M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm


The Department of Public Services’ (DPSS) Veterans and U.S. Military Resources webpage provides information on benefits, services and resources at a local community level throughout Los Angeles County to assist those who have been in the U.S. military services, veterans and their families connect with needed services.

On the DPSS homepage at http://dpss.lacounty.gov, go to the “Program Highlights” box then just click on “Veterans and U.S. Military Resources” located under “Community Services to access information on

  • Health
  • Housing
  • Legal
  • Education and Training
  • Employment
  • Other Services and Resources

For more information, visit http://dpss.lacounty.gov or contact

Bureau of Program & Policy/CalWORKs Section, DPSS, County of Los Angeles, 12820 Crossroads Parkway South, City of Industry, CA  91746 or call 1-(800)-827-1000.


HUD-VASH is a joint effort program between the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Veteran Affairs to move veterans and their families out of homelessness and into permanent housing by combining housing choice vouches assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs


  • Must be chronically homeless
  • Must be eligible for VA Healthcare Services
  • Must have an honorable or General Discharge from any ranch of service
  • Additional criteria as described in the program.

240 N. Breed Street
Los Angeles, CA  90033
(323) 580-0616

Find additional information about VOA programs at voala.org or (213) 380-1500 


Battle Buddy is a program through Volunteers of America to provide peer support specialists connecting fellow veterans to the resources they need.

The program provides linkage to:

  • Veteran friendly employers
  • Financial assistance with work related expenses such as uniforms
  • VA healthcare coverage and compensation
  • Service discharge status upgrades
  • Money to help pay rent and moving costs
  • Furniture and appliances

For more information, call

(323) 872-0271 or e-mailbattlebuddybridge@voala.org

Food Banks and Clothing

County Services – 2-1-1


Friends In Deed

444 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 797-2402

Food bank: Tuesday/Wednesday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. & Thursdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Action Food Pantry

Grace Lutheran Church 17880 East Covina Blvd, Covina, CA 91722 (626) 319-0554 Food distribution: Thursdays 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. Participants must provide ID and recent mail with address required. Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.

Shepherds Pantry

https://www.loc8nearme.com/california/glendora/shepherds-pantry/5368860/ Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County. On first visit, bring proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill. Glendora Location:657 E. Arrow Hwy, Suite J., Glendora, CA 91740 (626) 852-7630 Food/Clothing Distribution and Haircut: Wednesday/Thursday 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Food Delivery on Wednesdays 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Call (626) 852-7801 Irwindale Location: 1418 Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA 91706 (626) 305-0392 Weekly Food Distribution: Tuesday 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Homeless Food Distributions: Wed/Thurs/Fri 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Baldwin Park Location:13020 Francisquito Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 671-0090 Food Distribution: Fridays 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Project 29:11 Food Bank and Economic Relief Center

418 N. Second Ave., Covina, CA 91723 (626) 634-5319<http://www.project2911.net/economic-relief-center.html Food Bank: Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Service is for anyone living in Los Angeles County. Participants must provide proof of residency such as a driver license or utility bill.

FOOD Assistance

Foothill Community Church 777 E. Alosta Ave, Azusa, CA 91702 Clothing Distribution: Saturday 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Community Meal: Saturday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

San Gabriel YWCA

Intervale Senior Services (Meals on Wheels) Hot meal for a fee or frozen meals delivered to home ($3 suggested donation) Call (626) 214-9465 for more information

Elim Community Pantry

550 S. Hollenbeck Ave., Covina, Ca 91723 (626) 915-5300www.elimpantry.orgFood Distribution: Saturdays 7 a.m. – 9 a.m.

Business Grant Opportunities

The City of Covina Business Assistance Job Creation Program (Program) is designed to assist eligible commercial businesses within the City of Covina by offsetting the staffing costs of newly hired, income-eligible employees and creating jobs to assist members of the community in obtaining employment. The program will allow for 10 businesses to receive up to $25,000 in forgivable loans, which should be used for personnel costs to hire an income-eligible employee. A pre-application submitted by interested businesses will be required for participation of the program. Pre-Applications will be accepted and evaluated on qualifications and program focus. For more information, please review the Program Description and Guidelines document below. If you are interested in applying, please complete the pre-application.
Pre-applications will be accepted until Monday, March 4, 2024 at 5 p.m., or until 10 qualified pre-applications have been received. For questions, please email: BCapital-Assistance@covinaca.gov.

The City of Covina Business Assistance Job Creation Program (Program) is designed to assist eligible commercial businesses within the City of Covina by offsetting the staffing costs of newly hired, income-eligible employees and creating jobs to assist members of the community in obtaining employment. The program will allow for 10 businesses to receive up to $25,000 in forgivable loans, which should be used for personnel costs to hire an income-eligible employee. A pre-application submitted by interested businesses will be required for participation of the program. Pre-Applications will be accepted and evaluated on qualifications and program focus. For more information, please review the Program Description and Guidelines document below. If you are interested in applying, please complete the pre-application.
For questions, please email: BCapital-Assistance@covinaca.gov

Program posted on January 30th, 2024. Due to low pre-application submittal, the application will remain open past the March 4th, 2024 deadline and until further notice. Pre-applications will be reviewed as they are submitted.

Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD)

The City of Covina is proposing to establish an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (“EIFD” or “District”). The purpose of this District is to create a funding mechanism to construct public infrastructure improvements and affordable housing. An EIFD is a special financing district with defined boundaries that allow local government to use future tax revenues to fund infrastructure and public improvement projects (without creating a new tax). The District would include the Town Center Specific Plan Area and the Citrus Avenue Mixed-Use Corridor (map featured below).

When a new project is constructed in an EIFD, a portion of the incremental growth in property tax revenue (the amount above the property taxes collected in the base year) that the City of Covina receives can be put in a special fund to pay for the infrastructure projects listed in the Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP). These infrastructure improvements can include public safety facilities, streets, parking, wayfinding and signage, parks and open space, pedestrian connectivity improvements, and other types of mixed-use and housing-supportive infrastructure.

Establishing an EIFD will not result in any new taxes or fees to the property owners, residents, or businesses in the boundaries or in the City. The City conducted a stakeholder’s study session, two public workshops, and conducted polls to inform community stakeholders and obtain input on priorities for infrastructure improvements. Meetings so far have included the following:

  • Joint City Council and Finance Advisory Commission Study Session on June 21, 2022
  • Virtual Public Workshop on July 27, 2022
  • In-Person Public Workshop co-hosted by the Covina Chamber of Commerce on October 12, 2022

Documents related to Covina Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District are provided below.

  • Fact Sheet with Frequently Asked Questions
  • Covina City Council Resolution of Intent to Form EIFD – October 18, 2022
Public Financing Authority (PFA)

To oversee the creation of the EIFD, the City Council will establish a separate body, the Public Financing Authority (PFA), who will be responsible for the preparation of the Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP) and its presentation to the public at a series of public meetings and hearings. The PFA will be responsible for administering the funds, subject to the approval of the IFP by the City Council. This website will be updated with all public meeting and public hearing dates, times, and locations, as well as with all EIFD-related documentation for public review.

Proposed EIFD Boundaries

Should you have questions about Covina EIFD, you may contact Alana Spector, Senior Management Analyst, at (626) 384-5443 or at aspector@covinaca.gov

Business Grant Opportunities

The City of Covina Business Assistance Job Creation Program (Program) is designed to assist eligible commercial businesses within the City of Covina by offsetting the staffing costs of newly hired, income-eligible employees and creating jobs to assist members of the community in obtaining employment. The program will allow for 10 businesses to receive up to $25,000 in forgivable loans, which should be used for personnel costs to hire an income-eligible employee. A pre-application submitted by interested businesses will be required for participation of the program. Pre-Applications will be accepted and evaluated on qualifications and program focus. For more information, please review the Program Description and Guidelines document below. If you are interested in applying, please complete the pre-application.
Pre-applications will be accepted until Monday, March 4, 2024 at 5 p.m., or until 10 qualified pre-applications have been received. For questions, please email: BCapital-Assistance@covinaca.gov.

The City of Covina Business Assistance Job Creation Program (Program) is designed to assist eligible commercial businesses within the City of Covina by offsetting the staffing costs of newly hired, income-eligible employees and creating jobs to assist members of the community in obtaining employment. The program will allow for 10 businesses to receive up to $25,000 in forgivable loans, which should be used for personnel costs to hire an income-eligible employee. A pre-application submitted by interested businesses will be required for participation of the program. Pre-Applications will be accepted and evaluated on qualifications and program focus. For more information, please review the Program Description and Guidelines document below. If you are interested in applying, please complete the pre-application.
For questions, please email: BCapital-Assistance@covinaca.gov

Program posted on January 30th, 2024. Due to low pre-application submittal, the application will remain open past the March 4th, 2024 deadline and until further notice. Pre-applications will be reviewed as they are submitted.

Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD)

The City of Covina is proposing to establish an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (“EIFD” or “District”). The purpose of this District is to create a funding mechanism to construct public infrastructure improvements and affordable housing. An EIFD is a special financing district with defined boundaries that allow local government to use future tax revenues to fund infrastructure and public improvement projects (without creating a new tax). The District would include the Town Center Specific Plan Area and the Citrus Avenue Mixed-Use Corridor (map featured below).

When a new project is constructed in an EIFD, a portion of the incremental growth in property tax revenue (the amount above the property taxes collected in the base year) that the City of Covina receives can be put in a special fund to pay for the infrastructure projects listed in the Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP). These infrastructure improvements can include public safety facilities, streets, parking, wayfinding and signage, parks and open space, pedestrian connectivity improvements, and other types of mixed-use and housing-supportive infrastructure.

Establishing an EIFD will not result in any new taxes or fees to the property owners, residents, or businesses in the boundaries or in the City. The City conducted a stakeholder’s study session, two public workshops, and conducted polls to inform community stakeholders and obtain input on priorities for infrastructure improvements. Meetings so far have included the following:

  • Joint City Council and Finance Advisory Commission Study Session on June 21, 2022
  • Virtual Public Workshop on July 27, 2022
  • In-Person Public Workshop co-hosted by the Covina Chamber of Commerce on October 12, 2022

Documents related to Covina Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District are provided below.

  • Fact Sheet with Frequently Asked Questions
  • Covina City Council Resolution of Intent to Form EIFD – October 18, 2022
Public Financing Authority (PFA)

To oversee the creation of the EIFD, the City Council will establish a separate body, the Public Financing Authority (PFA), who will be responsible for the preparation of the Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP) and its presentation to the public at a series of public meetings and hearings. The PFA will be responsible for administering the funds, subject to the approval of the IFP by the City Council. This website will be updated with all public meeting and public hearing dates, times, and locations, as well as with all EIFD-related documentation for public review.

Proposed EIFD Boundaries

Should you have questions about Covina EIFD, you may contact Alana Spector, Senior Management Analyst, at (626) 384-5443 or at aspector@covinaca.gov

Rise and Shine state of the city of Covina video